Chapter 7

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No ones pov
When everyone finished getting ready they decided to go out before recording cause they might get bored later after recording so they decided to go out and hang out at the mall and go shopping for the mean time but they decided to split up since the boys and girls have different stuff that they wanted to do but Dahyun was having second thoughts, its fine for him to split up since he wants to tell the other guys his plan and at the same time its not fine since the girls might get hurt by stupid guys who can't control their hormones but in the end they decided to split up even though Dahyun agreed he still has a bad feeling about it.

Dahyun's pov
Since we had already splited up I still can't get the bad feeling that I have for leaving them but what can I do they had already left anyway. Me and the guys headded to the arcade since Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon hyung or the NoJamBrothers wanted to play arcade games cause they haven't played in a long time, we played alot of games for almost 30 minutes we decided to sit down for a moment and I took this moment to tell them my plan "Hey guys I need your help." I said "Whats up dubs?" Daniel hyung asked "Well I'm planning on confessing my feelings for Sana noona..." I said they all looked at me shocked "DUBS I WANT TO JOIN YOUR PLAN!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed "What do you join? By helping me?" I asked "Well I also want to confess to Mina noona but I want to do it alone..." Chaeyoung answered "Me too~" Daniel hyung said "Me three~" Jeongyeon hyung said "Me four~" Tzuyu said I just smiled at them since we all felt the same "But don't worry dubs we will help!" Jeong hyung said "I guess we have to do a new plan since my plan only includes me and help from you guys." I said then everyone giggled "ALRIGHT OPERATION CONFESS TO THE GIRLS WILL NOW START!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed "Alright lets plan." Jeong hyung said and we all nodded.

Sana's pov
We left the boys since they said that they wanted to do something else so we decided to split up since I really want to buy new clothes for some reason we all went to different clothing stores and bought stuff or more likely clothes and we spent alot of time and money that we didn't even know that we had been shopping for an hour already "Wahh I'm tired!" Nayeon unnie said "Yeah me too!" Jihyo said "I'm hungry!" Momo said and we just laughed at her "I'll call Dahyun and tell him that we are here at the food court waiting for them." I said they all nodded and with that I called Dahyun.

We did the planning for another 30 minutes but at least we finished it after a few seconds my phone rang so I quickly picked it up.
Sana: Dahyuniee~ where are you guys?
Dahyun: Ahh we are in the arcade playing but we already finished how about you guys?
Sana: We are done shopping we will just wait for you guys here by the food court~
Dahyun: Alright noona see ya!
Sana: Byeee~
After that she ended the call "The girls are finished with shopping and Sana noona said that they will wait for us by the food court." I said they nodded and we started to walk to the food court.

No ones pov
The boys had reached the food court and looked for the girls but what they saw made their blood boil in anger, there are 3 guys flirting with the girls who looked very uncomfortable so they rushed to the girls and pushed the guys "Don't touch whats mine." Dahyun said in a calm way but you can sense the annoyance in his tone "Woah, woah take it easy there, you know we can share right." The 1st guy said then smirked "Yeah kid don't be greedy~" The 2nd guy said eyeing Mina which everyone noticed "Ohh you eyed the wrong woman." Daniel said then Chaeyoung punched the 2nd guy really hard to the point that he fell, his 2 friends helped him "Cub stop, calm down." Jeongyeon said trying to calm Chaeyoung down which worked "Next time know your place idiot." Chaeyoung said in anger with that they boys took their shopping bags and held their hands then left the 3 guys, Dahyun took his phone and made a call still holding Sana's hand.
Dahyun: Hello? Hyung are you there?
Kyun: Yes do you need anything sir?
Dahyun: Yes hyung I need you pick us up at the main entrance and exit of the mall.
Kyun: Alright I'll be there.
Dahyun: Thank you.
After that Dahyun ended the call and walked to the main entrance and exit, while they were walking silence was heard and no one dared to talk until Tzuyu said something "Are you guys hurt?" Tzuyu asked "We aren't hurt." Momo answered "Thats good to hear." Tzuyu said and smiled at Momo "Jeongie I'm soo tired!" Nayeon complained "Aww poor bunny~" Jeongyeon said the let go of Nayeon's hand then kneeled infront of her while his back was facing her "Hop on!" Jeongyeon said which Nayeon gladly accepted and hopped on Jeongyeon's back after a few minutes of walking they arrived and saw the van that they used so they went in the van and left the mall going back to the Kim's mansion.

~time skip~
They all reached the mansion they all went straight to the living room sofa to relax "Too bad we didn't get to eat at the mall." Daniel said "Don't worry I know Momo noona is hungry so I told Wook hyung to tell the chef to cook our lunch." Dahyun said then Jiwook came out "Ahh you guys are already here!" Jiwook said "Your lunch is ready you guys should eat it before it gets cold." Jiwook added then left them, everyone went to the dinning room to eat since they were all hungry from walking all around the mall.

Ok guys I was not busy this day but I am very tired but I got bored so I wrote another chapter since I have nothing to do ohh and Twice's new song SWING is now my new favorite song if you guys haven't heard it go and listen to it I really love it welp thats all for this chapter see you guys on the next one byeeeeee.

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