Chapter 9

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Dahyun's pov
Its Sunday today and I woke up at 12 noon and saw that the other guys are also here which means they didn't leave, AISH THESE IDIOTS I TOLD THEM THAT THEY SHOULD'VE WENT HOME EARLIER BUT THEY WANTED TO CONTINUE IN PLANNING HAA..... So I decided to wake them up since its already late "YAH! WAKE UP!" I shouted which made everyone flinch since I don't normally scream "Why the hell are you screaming?" Chaeyoung asked while rubbing his eyes "You guys need to go home now." I said "Ohh shoot we fell asleep while planning!" Jeong hyung exclaimed "Yeah no shit sherlock." Daniel hyung said which made Jeong hyung glare at him "Hyung I'm hungry." Tzuyu said "Aigoo~ yoda is still a baby~ alright I'll cook for you guys so that you can go home and rest or do whatever you want." I said and smiled at them "I LOVE YOU HYUNG!!!" Tzuyu said and hugged me really tight "Love you too yoda but this is too tight!" I exclaimed then Tzuyu lessen his grip still not letting go "Heheh, sorry hyung." Tzuyu said "Let go of me now so I can cook." I said which he followed and with that I went to the kitchen leaving them there for a few minutes and called them after, with that we had a happy brunch and after eating I quickly called Kyun hyung and told him drop the guys at their house which he followed. After that I quickly went to the bathroom to take a quick bath and after doing that I went to my office to check how the family company is doing and yes I may not be present in the office itself but I help Minseok hyung with the company by checking how the stocks are and telling him advices on how to make it better and if your wondering how I helped him the past 10 years I used my loptop which was in my room.

~time skip~
After doing busy stuff and knowing that the company is still fine and in good hands I decided to chat the guys on our group chat.

Idiots and Dahyun💕

Dubs🦅: Hey do you guys want to live together?
Cub🐯: Whats with the sudden question?
Dubs🦅: I don't know...
Cub🐯: Do you really hate me that much?
Yoda🦒: Yeah~
Cub🐯: Well too bad cause I'm also living with you guys!
Jeong💫: I think its a great idea to live together
Cub🐯: Yeah since Hyun hyung is rich we don't have to pay the rent!
Dani😝: Son fucking Chaeyoung you lazy ass!
Cub🐯: The fuck did I do?!
Dubs🦅: You seriously want to live together just for you to not pay the rent? Wow cub I'm disappointed.
Yoda🦒: Thats what you get idiot!
Jeong💫: So are we going to live together or nah?
Yoda🦒: I'm fine with it.
Dani😝: Me too~
Jeong💫: Me three~
Cub🐯: Me four~
Dubs🦅: I'm not yet sure since you guys know my brothers...
Yoda🦒: We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Yoda🦒, Cub🐯, Jeong💫, Dani😝, and Dubs🦅 has logged off

After that I went back to my room to take a short nap since I've been working on my computer the last couple of hours just to check if the company is doing fine which is doing better that fine.

~time skip~
I woke up from my nap due to Jin hyung calling me for dinner which was normal so I quickly got down and ate dinner with them, after dinner we hung out at the living room so I took this opportunity to tell them my plan on moving with the other guys. "Hyung I have something to say." I said then all of them looked at me signalling me to continue "I want to move with my friends..." I said "YOU WHAT?!" All of them exclaimed at the same time "Its ok if you guys don't agr-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because Minseok hyung talked "We are not against it dubs." Minseok hyung said "We are just worried that you guys won't get to live normally." Jin hyung said "What do you mean hyung?" I asked "You guys need to pay rents, buy groceries, and pay bills." Jin hyung answered "Haa... I guess it is alot of work..." I said "You know what I have an idea." Mingyu hyung said "What is it hyung?" I asked "You guys can live in our second mansion which is almost the same as this mansion but the color is black and white rather that gold and white." Mingyu hyung suggested "Your right Gyu! So that they won't have to worry about paying the rent and bills!" Tae hyung exclaimed "That is a good idea so that you kids will just worry about groceries." Jin hyung said "Plus we will know where you guys live and we don't have to worry much." Minseok hyung said "Thank you hyungs!" I said and pulled them for a group hug "As long as our little brother is happy we are happy!" Minseok hyung said and broke the hug "Don't forget to come and visit us alright!" Mingyu hyung said and I just nodded "We will move your things there tomorrow when you go to school plus Jiwook, some maids, and some guards will be transfered there." Jin hyung said "Alright kids go to bed now its getting late." Minseok hyung said then we all nodded and got ready for bed.

Ok hope you guys liked this chapter sorry if its only short but since I have time to update I decided to update I know it sucks but thanks for reading it and I'm very thankful that we are almost near 500 reads I hope that it will reach more than 1000 just like my other book but yeah I'll see you guys on the next one I hope I can update much earlied hehehe bye!

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