Chapter 26

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No ones pov
~time skip~
A week had already passed since their dates last time and right now everyone is in their classroom while their teacher is discussing not long after JYP's assistant Seungcheol "I'm very sorry to interupt but JYP-ssi is looking for Mr. Kim Dahyun." Seungcheol said then almos everyone looked at Dahyun who looks like he is having a problem.

Dahyun's pov
SHIT NEXT WEEK MARKS THE DAY THAT ME AND SANA STARTED DATING AND ITS BEEN A MONTH SINCE THAT DAY, SHIT WHAT THE HELL WOULD I GET HER?! I was on my seat oblivious that people are calling and talking to me "Dubs!" Chaeyoung suddenly slapped me "Bro not now I'm busy!" I told him then continued to think of what to buy Sana for our monthsary "No bro its-" Chaeyoung didn't get to finish what he was supposed to say since I shushed him and here I am still oblivious that someone is asking for me.

No ones pov
All of the other students started to call for him even their teacher and Seungcheol but he still didn't mind them since he is still deep in thought, Chaeyoung already gave up, Jeongyeon was amused, Tzuyu doesn't care, Daniel was also amused, and all their girlfriends are trying to gain Dahyun's attention except for Sana who is asleep right now "Minari~" Chaeyoung called to which Mina turned her head to the small cub "Can you wake up Sana noona?" Chaeyoung asked and Mina just nodded and proceeded to wake up her friend who is sleeping beside her not long after Sana woke up "Why did you wake me up?" Sana asked still half asleep "Can you get Dahyun's attention Satang?" Mina asked and with that Sana became fully awaked after hearing almost all of her classmates calling for her boyfriend who looks frustrated while thinking of something "Why are they calling him?" Sana asked then Mina pointed at Seungcheol who is by the door also calling for Dahyun "Can someone please get his attention." Their teacher said and with that everyone tried again but failed so they all gave up except for one "Dahyunie~" Sana called to which Dahyun immediately looked at her "Yeah?" Dahyun asked "Seungcheol-ssi is looking for you." Sana said then pointed at Seungcheol who is waiting by the door and Dahyun finally noticed and went out with him leaving everyone's jaw dropped while looking at Sana who was confused "Ok, thank you Ms. Minatozaki, alright lets continue our discussion." Their teacher said then started discussing again.

On their way to JYP's office Seungcheol decided to ask Dahyun why he is spacing out earlier "Hyun if you don't mind me asking, what are you thinking about earlier?" Seungcheol asked "Ahh that... I was having a problem on what gift do I give my girlfriend for our monthsary." Dahyun said then looked down in embarrassment then Seungcheol just laughed "Aish hyung stop laughing at me~" Dahyun whinned "Sorry, sorry its just that we have been calling you for about 20 minutes yet Sana is the only one that could get your attention." Seungcheol said "Plus you were only thinking of a gift for her but I'm surprised that you were too focused on that to the point that you don't even care for the people around you." Seungcheol added but before Dahyun could've said anything they reached JYP's office and with that Seungcheol opened the door then both of them went in "Ohh what took you guys too long?" JYP asked "The kid was deep in thought so he didn't really heard the whole class calling for his name." Seungcheol explained "Alright thanks for embarrasing me Cheol hyung, so what do you need uncle?" Dahyun asked "I was thinking of asking you help on what event should we do for the whole school this month?" JYP asked "Really uncle? You asked me to come here just to help you on what event should we do." Dahyun said "Yeah I figured that you will be very helpful for this matter." JYP said "Hmm..." Dahyun said "How about sports week?" Dahyun suggested "Hmm... Thats a good idea." Seungcheol said "See you really are helpful!" JYP exclaimed then they started talking about what sports would be included.

After their talk Dahyun came back to their room then JYP called all the teachers for an urgent meeting all of the students cheered when they heard of the urgent meeting yet Dahyun stayed infront "OK PEOPLE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!!!" Dahyun shouted gaining their attention "Soo JYP-ssi called to his office for some reason that would probably be better if he just called his daughter but he is an idiot and we don't care." Dahyun said then everyone laughed "Yah!" Jihyo shouted then glared at Dahyun who just gave her a peace sign "So next week we will be having a sports week where each section will play with different kinds of sports againts diffrent levels and sections." Dahyun explained then everyone cheered because its been a while since they had sports week "So there are 5 sports that we will be having so those who wants to join here are the following sports:
•Basketball- 5 players (boys only)
•Archery- 3 players
•Vollyball- 5 players (girls only)
•Badminton- 2 players
•100 meter race- 1 player
You can join as many as you want but if you don't wanna join just cheer for our team." Dahyun explained then everyone started to talk to each other, Dahyun and his group of friends also talked about it. "So what will you guys join in?" Dahyun asked them but before anyone could speak one of their classmates suddenly shouted "YAH SCHOOL MEAL CLUB SHOULD JOIN ARCHERY!!!" Their classmate said then everyone agreed but Dahyun disagreed since he is really bad with targets "So who will join to replace Dahyun?" Jihyo asked "Why not Mina she is good." Nayeon suggested everyone agreed leaving Mina with no choice "So will the 5 of you join basketball?" Mina asked and all of them just nodded and since most of the students just want to cheer Dahyun and the rest are the ones who mostly joined for their section in the end the 5 guys were in basketball, MiChaeng and Tzuyu were in archery, girls in their class are in vollyball, Nayeon and Jihyo are in badminton, and Chaeyoung for the race so in the end not all of them joined the games but they are all hyped and satisfied for their sports week.

Ok guys I'm sorry if not all of them are going to participate but I hope you guys will enjoy this following chapters and also I updated faster than usual so I'm proud of myself but I hope you guys liked this chapter see you guys on the next chapter of this book byeeee :)))))

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