Chapter 23

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No ones pov
SaiDa went to a lot of places like parks, ice cream store, mall, and a lot of other places where you would have a date, after their date Dahyun dropped Sana off at her house with the others girls then after dropping Sana off he quickly went back home and changed his clothes then went to the living room where the other guys are chilling "You guys already ate?" Dahyun asked and all of them just nodded "I'll go to my office alright just call me if you need me." Dahyun said then left the living room and went to the basement where his office is located.

~time skip~
The next day came and as usual Jeongyeon is the first one to wake up then does his morning routine before waking up the others and waiting for them to eat breakfast, after eating they brushed their teeth then quickly went to school and learned or more likely suffered for a few hours.

Dahyun's pov
DAMN IT KIM DAHYUN!!! YOU ALREADY HAD A FUCKING DATE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND BUT FORGOT TO FUCKING KISS HER I'M SO STUPID!!! "Yo what is wrong with you? You've been spacing out." Daniel hyung asked but I just ignored him and continued to eat my lunch, the girls aren't with us because they want to have their alone time or something like girl talks "What do you think are they talking about?" Tzuyu asked "I don't know probably girl stuff that we won't understand." Jeong hyung said "Are you guys done eating? I wanna go to the rooftop." I said and they all just nodded so after eating we went to the rooftop only to find the girls and a group of boys talking to them we were all calm but inside we don't like what we are seeing, we decided to leave I suggested that we would go to my hideout and skip classes and to my surprise they all agreed even Daniel hyung who doesn't like the thought of skipping classes, with that we went to my hideout and stayed there.

No ones pov
Lunch was already finished and everyone went back to their classrooms, the girls were confussed because the guys aren't there yet "Where are they?" Mina asked but none of them knows where they are so they decided to ask our classmates but no one knows where they are not long asfter their teacher came in so they all went to their seats still worried where the guys are right now.

~time skip~
It was already their dismissal time and the guys decided to go to the principal's office first to explain why they skipped class. "Ohh what brings you kids here?" JYP asked "Uncle, ohh I mean Sir we are here to explain why we skipped class earlier since I guess a lot of teachers might've complained about it." Dahyun said "No need to explain I already know why." JYP said making all of them shocked "How did you know Sir?" Tzuyu asked "I have cameras all over the whole school except the bathrooms since its a private area. I just happen to see you guys enter the rooftop where your girlfriens are and talking to a group of guys." JYP explained "Aren't you mad at us?" Daniel asked "Nope but I was actually shocked that you also agreed Daniel." JYP said "It was a nice experience anyway." Daniel said "Alright Sir thank you for understanding us we will go now." Jeongyeon said then all of them bowed and JYP just nodded, after talking to the principal they all decided to go back to their classroom since their bags are still there, when they got in their classroom they saw the girls waiting for them "YAH SON CHAEYOUNG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Mina asked then ran to Chaeyoung and hugged him really tight "Minari too tight!" Chaeyoung said then Mina just glared at him and puched his chest lightly "Yah you better make up to her she cried earlier because of you." Nayeon said glaring at Chaeyoung, Chaeyong just smiled at the girl who is now hugging him like theres no tomorrow "Yah where did you guys even go?" Momo asked "We went to Dahyun's hideout to clear our mind for a little bit." Daniel answered "You guys saw us at the rooftop am I right?" Jihyo asked and all of them just nodded "Were you guys jealous thats why you guys skipped classes?" Nayeon asked and they all just nodded again "Hey you, you forgot something yesterday!" Sana exclaimed while pointing at Dahyun who ran to her and hugged her "I'M SOO SORRY!!!" Dahyun exclaimed then kissed Sana passionately "YAH GET A ROOM YOU IDIOTS!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed then Sana glared at him "FOCUS ON HOW YOU WILL MAKE UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND STUPID!!!" Dahyun said "Minari~ I'm sorry~" Chaeyoung said while hugging Mina "You better be! Why aren't you answering your phone?" Mina asked "We left out phones here in our bags." Chaeyoung answered "We'll go out tomorrow if that will make you happy." Chaeyoung said "Ok call, its Saturday tomorrow so lets go out." Mina said then gave Chaeyoung her famous gummy smile after that they all went home to rest.

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