Chapter 22

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No ones pov
~time skip~
Jeongyeon woke up due to his alarm clock ringing like crazy, he immediately turned it off then lazily got up from his comfortable bed and got ready for school since their semestral break is already done, after getting ready he decided to wake up the others who are still asleep, he went to Dahyun's room last but is surprised when he was already awake and ready for school. "Woah you woke up early dubs." Jeongyeon said "Hehe I haven't seen Sana the past couple of days so I'm excited!" Dahyun exclaimed "Come on lets go downstairs now." Jeongyeon said "Alright I'll just fix my hair." Dahyun said then Jeongyeon went downstairs and waited for the others to get ready, after a few minutes Dahyun came down then went to the living room where Jeongyeon is sitting and playing with his phone "Hyung what do you want for breakfast?" Dahyun asked before Jeongyeon could answer Chaeyoung butted in "HYUNG I WANT KIMCHI FRIED RICE!!!" Chaeyoung shouted from his room "How the hell did he hear you?!" Jeongyeon asked and Dahyun just laughed then went to the kitchen to cook what the baby cub wants.

~time skip~
After eating the boys then went to their bathroom and brushed their teeth, Dahyun was the first one to finish so he waited for the others at the living room then suddenly Dahyun recieved a call from Minseok.
Dahyun: Ohh hyung whats the problem?
Minseok: Hyun I need you here at the office!
Dahyun: Right now?!
Minseok: Yeah hurry!
Dahyun: Why?! I was supposed to see my girlfriend today!!!
Minseok: Stop whinning kid just come here we have a problem!
Dahyun: But-
Minseok: I know you have school but I really need you.
Dahyun: I'm already wearing my school uniform!
Minseok: Its alright I don't care just come here and attend class later.
Dahyun: Ugh fine...
Minseok: Thanks bro love ya!

After the call the others just came down "Yahh Dahyun-ah lets go." Jeongyeon said "You guys go ahead, I'll be late for school." Dahyun said "Why?" Daniel asked "Theres an emergency at the company and Minseok hyung needs me." Dahyun answered "You going there looking like a student?" Tzuyu asked "Yeah I don't want to change anyway." Dahyun answered "Alright hyung we'll see you later." Chaeyoung said and with that the guys left for school leaving Dahyun at their mansion "Hyun why are you still here?" Jiwook asked "Seok hyung needs me at the company and I'm annoyed about it." Dahyun said then went to his room to get another coat cause he doesn't want to wear his school jacket at the company, after getting a new coat he took his bag and school jacket then went to his car and drove off to the company after a few minutes he arrived but before he left his car he took off his necktie then wore the coat that he took from his room and immediately went to his brother's office and talked about the problem.

Meanwhile at school the boys arrived and went to their classroom where their girlfriends are "Jeongieee~" Nayeon said and hugged Jeongyeon who recieved a couple of glares from his guy classmates but didn't care and just gave Nayeon a peck on her cheeks "Dani~" Jihyo said then opened her arms waiting for a hug which Daniel gave, same goes with the others 2 leaving Sana alone "Yah wheres my dubu?" Sana asked the guys "Ohh he had an emergency at their company." Tzuyu said "What is he doing there?" Sana asked "Minseok hyung called him for help." Jeongyeon said "Why him?!" Sana exclaimed "Look Dahyun is also part CEO of that company so its just right for Minseok hyung ask him for help, but don't worry noona he said he'll come but a little bit late." Chaeyoung explained after that their class started. Dahyun on the other hand is still working with stuff at their company since its a problem that can't be solved that fast and he is really annoyed that he won't see his girlfriend earlier than he expected.

~time skip~
It was already lunch time at school and Dahyun just finished fixing the problem at their company and as soon as he finished he told Minseok that he will leave and didn't even waited for Minseok to answer and just left the company with the help of his car, the others on the others side went to the cafeteria to have their lunch, Sana was still not in the mood since Dahyun still haven't arrived "Sana-ya aren't you going to eat?" Momo asked "I've lost my appetite." Sana answered "Can I ta-" Momo didn't get to finish her question since Tzuyu stopped her "Don't take other people's foods noona." Tzuyu said "Aww but she won't eat it, it will be a waste!" Momo whinned and Tzuyu just sighed "Here just take mine." Tzuyu said giving Momo his food "Thanks Tzuyu-ya!" Momo exclaimed then ate Tzuyu's food "I feel like you love the food more than me." Tzuyu mumbled "Huh, did you say something Tzu?" Momo asked then Tzuyu just shooked his head and smiled at her "Yah Satang eat your food." Jihyo said "Maybe later..." Sana said not long after someone sat beside Sana which she didn't notice but the whole group did and just smiled at the person who sat beside her "Shiba noona, say ahh~" the person said then Sana looked at the person who was going to feed her and when she finally saw who it was she happily ate her food "Aigoo was Shiba noona waiting for me to feed her?" Dahyun said in a teasing tone "Finally shes back!" Nayeon exclaimed "What do you mean noona?" Dahyun asked "Shes been gloomy the past couple of hours because you aren't here." Mina said "Yah how would you feel if all your friends are being lovey-dovey while your alone huh?!" Sana exclaimed "Dahyuniee their bullying me~" Sana whinned, Dahyun just giggled at his girlfriend's cuteness "Hyung did you already eat?" Tzuyu asked "No, how about you Tzu wheres your food?" Dahyun asked and everyone just pointed at Momo who is busy eating Tzuyu's food "Come with me I'll treat you!" Dahyun exclaimed and Tzuyu just nodded at him "Shiba noona continue to eat you food." Dahyun said then left with Tzuyu to buy their lunch.

~time skip~
It was already time to go home but Dahyun decided to ask Sana out for a date since she was gloomy all morning and he really wants to make it up to her "Wahh I'm tired!" Chaeyoung whinned "Then go home now so that you could sleep." Mina said "Aww but I still wanna be with you." Chaeyoung said and Mina just giggled at him but decided to give him a peck on his cheeks which made him smile "Yah lets go home now!" Jeongyeon exclaimed "Dubs you aren't going with us?" Daniel asked "Nope, I want to go on a date with my girlfriend." Dahyun said "We have a date today?" Sana asked confussed "Yeah since I wanna make up for being very late." Dahyun said then held Sana's hands and went to the parking area where his car is "Yah we're riding this?!" Sana asked and pointed at Dahyun's Ferrari "Yes we are, don't worry I'll put the roof up." Dahyun said "No don't I really wanted to try riding a car with no roof." Sana said "Alright then lets go!" Dahyun exclaimed and opened the car door for Sana then went to the driver seat and started driving away.

Ok guys another update since I don't have much things to do hope you guys liked this chapter see you guys on the next one hehehe stay safe everyone byeee :))))

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