Chapter 30

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No ones pov
Everyone is now in Kim's private plane on their way to Kim's island. "Hey Dahyun, how long does it take to reach the island?" Nayeon asked "About 3 hours, since it isn't really that far from Korea." Dahyun answered then Nayeon went back to her seat and started flirting with her husband, everyone was having their peaceful time not until Chaeyoung ruined it "Ok who is pregnant?" Chaeyoung asked and stood in front of everyone, everyone decided to ignore him "Ohh come on tell me~" Chaeyoung whinned then suddenly someone raised her hand "I am, I'm 3 weeks pregnant." Momo said then everyone cheered and started asking questions "Yah don't stress her out!" Tzuyu scolded them then the others started teasing him "I bet Jeong hyung didn't get to hold himself back during your honeymoon." Chaeyoung teased making Jeongyeon blush "Wait so Nayeon unnie your pregnant?!" Jihyo asked, Nayeon just shyly nodded "Thats why you weren't working earlier." Mina said "How long unnie?" Sana asked "About a month." Nayeon shyly answered then everyone started celebrating again.

~time skip~
They have reached the island then Dahyun got the keys of the van that they will use for their 1 week trip, after unlocking the van the guys to their luggages and put it inside the van and got in the van then Dahyun drove them to the villa that Dahyun owns since there are 6 villas in their island one for each brother and one family villa there is also a nearby village where some people and the Kim's servants live, when they reache the villa everyone was amazed.

"Woah Kim Dahyun you never fail to impress us

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"Woah Kim Dahyun you never fail to impress us." Chaeyoung said "Alright everyone the rooms are upstairs and Kean hyung will show your rooms." Dahyun said then a man who is in his 40's came wearing a suit "Shall we?" Kean asked then everyone nodded while the other guards bring their luggages to their rooms. While the others are still upstairs Dahyun decided to go down to the basement where he keeps all his music realated stuff, since he was there he decided to play the piano since he missed playing it. Everyone went back down only to see no one there "Where did Dahyun go?" Jeongyeon asked "You think we know." Daniel said "Lets just ask Kean oppa." Mina said "Yeah sure." Nayeon said then Jihyo called for him "Yes?" Kean asked "Oppa do you know where Dahyun is?" Sana asked "My senses are telling me that he might be down the basement playing with his instruments." Kean said "Thanks hyung!" Chaeyoung exclaimed then looked for the way to the basement followed by the others, when they reached the basement they heard the piano playing a very familiar song "Hey isn't that the one that we recorded during our high school days?" Jeongyeon asked "I'm surprised that you still remember it." Dahyun said "Why would we forget a beautiful song." Jihyo said and Dahyun just giggled then all of them started to sing together with the piano.

~time skip~
The next day came and everyone was excited "Alright me and the guys are just gonna go out to buy some stuff for the BBQ later." Dahyun said "When we came back we will head to the beach." Dahyun added and the girls just nodded at him then the guys got in the van and went to the nearby village. "So what do we do while their out?" Nayeon asked "1st of all unnie you and Momo are pregnant so we can't do that much, 2nd of all we haven't seen the whole house yet, 3rd and last of all I'm scared that we might break something in here." Jihyo said "Why don't we just ask Kean oppa?" Momo suggested "That is actually a good suggestion." Mina said then Jihyo called for Kean "Yes?" Kean asked "Oppa what is the best thing to do while waiting for the boys so come back?" Sana asked "Do you girls like movies?" Kean asked "Yeah, we do." Mina answered "Alright then follow me to the home theatre." Kean said and the girls just nodded at him and started following him, after a few steps they reached the home theatre "What movie would you girls like to watch?" Kean asked "Avengers!!!" Mina exclaimed and the others just giggled "Alright then I'll play the avengers infinity war since thats all we have." Kean said then proceeded to play the movie while the girls just took their seat and not long after the movie started and Kean left them.

"Ok we are here!" Dahyun exclaimed "So what do we need to buy?" Chaeyoung asked "Ok I need flower petals, a boquet of roses, fake candles, cardboard, and markers, thats all." Dahyun said then the others nodded "Tzuyu and Chaeng you guys will come with me, Hyungs go buy food and drinks for laters BBQ." Dahyun said then both teams started to part ways, after buying what they need DubChengTzu designed the 2 cardboards that has will you marry me? on it "Ok whats the plan again?" Jeonyeon asked "We will use the fake candles as a path the Sana would walk on then use the flower petals and shaped it into a heart then the 4 of you will be behind the heart holding these cardboards while I kneel in the middle holding the roses and the ring, and we will do it at the beach." Dahyun excplained "You guys got it?" Dahyun asked "Yep, wah I'm excited!!!" Daniel exclaimed "Where will we put the props if we are going back hyung?" Tzuyu asked "Lets just keep it in the back of the van so that they won't see it." Dahyun said then everyone nodded then went back to the villa.

~time skip~
Everyone was having fun at the beach but the sun was setting so the guys decided to do their plan now since the fake candles would already be visible at that time, after preparing their plan Chaeyoung decided to call Mina and lure them to where they are for the surprise.
Chaeyoung: Minari~
Mina: Where are you guys?
Chaeyoung: We need you guys to come to the other side of the beach!
Mina: Why?
Chaeyoung: No time to explain, come now and hurry!!
Mina: Chae-

Chaeyoung didn't wait for Mina to respond and just ended the call then went to his position and waited for the girls to come, not long after they heard footprints and most of them were pretty much nervous at that time the girls then walked on the path that they made with candles, Sana was leading them and when they got to the end Sana couldn't hold her tears "I know I took too long to ask you but I hope your answer is what I think it is, and I would like to thank you for coming to my life, ever since you came into my life everything just started becoming colorful, you were always there even though I was having a bad mood you still stayed by my side and I am really thankful for that, even though we fought sometime you still never left my side, so I'm going to ask you this question once, will you marry me Minatozaki Sana?" Dahyun asked "YES YES YES!!!" Sana exclaimed then jumped over Dahyun to give him the tightest hug she has "Can't breath!" Dahyun exclaimed then Sana let go "Ohh sorry~" Sana said then Dahyun took her hand and put the ring on then everyone celebrated "KISS KISS KISS!!!" Everyone shouted then the couple kissed making everyone cheer.

WAHH I FINALLY FINISHED THIS BOOK!!! Wahh I hope you guys liked this chapter and to be honest I was kinda sad that this was already the end but also happy that I finally finished it, welp until next time guys :)))))) Ohh and also I think I won't publish a new book for this time since I wanted to take a break and also online school will start this August so I hope you guys would stay safe, stay at home :))))

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