Chapter 3

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No ones pov
Dahyun woke up from the sound of people screaming so he quickly took a bath and got changed then went downstairs to see why is his brothers screaming and is very noisy but insted of scolding his brothers his jaws dropped when he saw all his friends including Sana and the other girls "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!?!" Dahyun said in a shocked tone "Relax dubs their just here to pick you up we let them in since its bad to leave your guests outside." Jin said "Yeah we are only here to pick you up~" Jeongyeon said and Dahyun just glared at him "Have you guys eaten yet?" Mingyu asked, all of them nodded "Thats too bad you guys won't get to taste Dahyun's cooking~" Taehyung said, everyone was shocked of the information that got and the Kim siblings just giggled at them "DAHYUNIEE CAN COOK?!" Nayeon asked in an amazed tone, while everyone was talking about Dahyun, the tofu was already in the kitchen cooking food for his brothers after a few minutes he finished then started setting up the table for his brothers "YAH IDIOTS BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Dahyun shouted making everyone flinch so they quickly went to the dining table and started eating after a few minutes they finished everyone went to the living room where Dahyun's friends are then Jiwook came in "Sir Gyu, Sir Tae, the car is ready." Jiwook bowed then left "Welp that's our cue we'll just see you guys later!" Taehyung said "Bye-bye!" Mingyu said with that the two hyper boys left after 5 minutes Dahyun told them that they should go to school since it will start after a couple of hours all of them agreed so they went out of the mansion and walked to school DaChaeTzu was talking to each other leaving the others behind "Are they always like this?" Mina asked "Well if we're going to answer yes they normaly leave me and Daniel behind when go to school thats why me and Daniel leave without them." Jeongyeon explained then the three stopped walking "Alright we won't be like this if it wasn't for you guys!" Chaeyoung exclaimed "What did we do?!" Daniel said "Isn't it obvious hyung, you guys always talk about your crushes when we walk to school." Tzuyu said leaving Jeongyeon and Daniel speechless "See you guys can't even deny it." Dahyun fired back which made the 2 older boys look down the girls were surprised at the younger boys who scolded their hyungs "But don't worry hyung we already forgave you~" Chaeyoung said the 2 older boy imediatly looked up only to see their maknae boys smiling at them the 2 older guys looked at each other then ran to the maknae boys and tackled them into a big tight hug "WAHH I REALLY LOVE YOU KIDS!!!" Daniel exclaimed "Hyung we love you too but this is too tight!" Dahyun complained which made them break the hug "Ehem, hello we are still here!" Momo said "Ahh right sorry~" Jeonyeon said then they all continued to walk to school while talking to each other.

Nayeon's pov
So Jeonyeon already has a crush huh... I better stop this feelings for him cause I don't have a chance to have him so whats the point in keeping these feelings if I'll just be broken in the end "Nabongs you alright?" Jeonyeon asked in a worried tone "Yes Jeongie I'm fine~" I answered and smiled at him then he smiled back ARGH HIS SMILE MAKES ME FALL FOR HIM MORE!!!! ARGH YOO JEONGYEON STOP BEING HANDSOME MY HEART MIGHT EXPLODE!!! "Alright I know I'm handsom so stop staring." Jeongyeon said while I just looked down to hide my now blushing face.

Jihyo's pov
I really want some fresh air so I went to the school's garden for fresh air, I can't belive that Daniel already likes someone, haaa..... I wish that someone was me but I guess my luck just sucks to whoever Daniel likes I hope he will be happy with her and to whoever you are your luck to have Kang Daniel to like you cause he is a very good guy- "What are you thinking about?" Daniel asked snapping me out of my thoughts "Nothing just admiring the sky thats all." I answered "Ok let me ask you another question." Daniel said, I just looked at him confused "Were you thinking about me?" Daniel asked which made me blush really hard "YAH KANG DANIEL STOP THAT YOU IDIOT!!!" I said then smacked his arm really hard "OWW JIHYO THAT HURTS!!!" He whined while rubbing his arm "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR ASSUMING TOO MUCH!!!" I exclaimed "Alright, alright I'm sorry geez you don't have to hit me that hard~" Daniel whined "Why are you here any way?" I asked "Duh isn't it obvious it to look for you." Daniel said which made me blush again HE SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO STOP BEING CUTE AND FLIRTY CAUSE IT WILL MAKE ME FALL FOR HIM MORE!!!! "Yah! Why are you spacing out again?" Daniel asked in a worried tone "Stop worrying Daniel I'm fine~" I said and smiled at him which he returned "Lets go back to our classroom now its almost time." Daniel said then gave out his hand which I gladly accepted.

No ones pov
The teachers had another emergency meeting so the class decided to practice for the musical play that they will do next next week while everyone was busy doing their own things Dahyun was on the piano practicing the songs that they are going to use not long after their classroom door bursted open revealing 2 panting guys who clearly ran from their classroom to this classroom and the 2 guys are non other that Kim Taehyung and Kim Mingyu, both of them ran to Dahyun "YAH ARE YOU OK DID THEY FORCE YOU TO PLAY?!" Taehyun asked in a worried tone "Hyung I'm fine and no one forced me to play." Dahyun said "But dubs you won't play if no one asked you to." Mingyu said "Well Jeong hyung asked me if I could play the piano for our musical play since Heechul hyung had already left the school." Dahyun explained "Ok as long as you are not forced to play we will support you ok." Mingyu said "But if you can't play we will ask Yoongi hyung or Woozi-ah to play for you." Taehyung said "Don't worry hyung I'm fine!" Dahyun said then smiled at his hyungs assuring them that hes fine and with that the 2 boys apologized for barging in then left then all of Dahyun's friends went to him "Ok what was that about?" Momo asked "They were just worried thats all." Dahyun answered "Worried about what?" Nayeon asked, Dahyun stayed silent "Ok we understand that you don't want to talk about it so we won't force you." Jihyo said "But if you want someone to talk to we are just here for you Dahyun-ah." Mina said and smiled which Dahyun returned "I don't want to talk about it here in school and since its friday why don't you guys go to my house later and I'll tell you guys all of it later." Dahyun said and smiled "Are you sure that you can let it out later dubs?" Chaeyoung asked worried about his bestfriend "Yes cub I've already moved on from the past." Dahyun said assuring his bestfriend "We'll just talk about this later lets just continue what we are supposed to do." Tzuyu said then everyone nodded and left except for Sana who is still standing infront of him "Is there something I-" Dahyun didn't get to finish his sentence because Sana suddenly pulled him into a hug "Don't worry Dahyunie we will be here for you if you need someone." Sana said while hugging Dahyun, Dahyun didn't know what to do so he just hugged her back "Thank you Shiba noona." Dahyun said then Sana broke the hug "Now your calling me nicknames Kim Dahyun-ssi~" Sana said "Why were friends anyway~" Dahyun said and smiled " Ok then I'll talk to you later my dubu~" Sana said and winked at Dahyun then left him and continued to do her work.


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