Chapter 24

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No ones pov
Saturday came and everyone woke up at 10 am which is pretty early for a weekend, except for Chaeyoung who loves to sleep Jeongyeon and Tzuyu decided to get ready since they also have a date with their girlfriends in a few hours "YAH GO WAKE CHAENG UP!!!" Daniel shouted and Tzuyu quickly ran to his room and with that Jeongyeon groaned and decided to wake the cub up, "YAH WAKE UP ITS ALREADY 10 am IDIOT!!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed while hitting him with a pillow "I'm up! Stop hitting me!" Chaeyoung exclaimed then Jeongyeon went to his room and took a bath leaving Chaeyoung alone in his room.

Chaeyoung's pov
Ugh Jeong hyung hit me hard! Now I'm fully awake, I decided to call my penguin just to make sure if we are still going.
Mina: Hello?
Chaeyoung: Good morning pengu!
Mina: Good morning to you too simba, even though its almost noon.
Chaeyoung: Are you ready?
Mina: Not yet, I was about to go shower but you called.
Chaeyoung: Go get ready I'll pick you up in a few minutes!
Mina: Ok,ok~
Chaeyoung: See you later Minari~
Mina: See you later Chaengie~

After that call I quickly went downstairs to where the other hyungs are "Yow why the hell are you in a hurry?" Daniel hyung asked "No reason, wheres Dub hyung?" I asked "I asked him to make me a sandwich so probably in the kitchen." Daniel hyung answered so I quickly went to the kitchen "HYUNG!!!" I exclaimed "THE FUCK?! YAH YOU SCARED ME!!!" Dahyun hyung exclaimed "Hehe sorry hyung~" I said "So whats up?" Dahyun hyung asked "Hyung can I borrow a car?" I asked "Ohh for your date with Mina noona?" Dahyun hyung asked and I just nodded "Yeah sure, which car tho?" Dahyun hyung asked "A normal car." I answered "Alright go get ready now aand I'll show you the car." Dahyun hyung said with that I quickly went to my room and got ready.

No ones pov
Jeongyeon and Tzuyu are now done and is now ready to leave "Do you guys have your cars?" Dahyun asked "Yeah, I told dad to take my Audi here and it just arrived last week so yeah." Tzuyu said and Dahyun just nodded at him then Tzuyu left "How about you hyung?" Dahyun asked "Yeah I'm here to ask if I can borrow your Tesla today." Jeongyeon asked "Yeah sure just don't scratch it or crash it." Dahyun said then tossed the keys to Jeongyeon who successfully catched it "Got it see ya guys later." Jeongyeon said then left the house leaving Daniel and Dahyun alone with Chaeng who is still getting ready.

~time skip~
Chaeyoung finished after 10 minutes so he quickly went downstairs "HYUNG I'M DONE!!!" Chaeyoung exclaimed "Alright, alright lets go to my big ass garage that you guys don't go to." Dahyun said then lead Chaeyoung to his garage that has a passcode since all of his imported cars are there including his white Ferrari and Tesla but it was in the other garage since Jeongyeon took it, after putting the passcode Dahyun then opened the garage leaving Chaeyoung shocked "Ok kid I don't have the normal car that you want so just pick from these three." Dahyun said and pointed at the three cars which are:

" Dahyun said and pointed at the three cars which are:

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