Chapter 5

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No ones pov
While everyone was in the basement using some of the instruments Dahyun came down with pajamas in his hands "Soo welcome to Dahyun's favorite place in the mansion~" Dahyun said and smiled brightly at them "Ok we get it but stop smiling like that your brightness might blind Sana." Momo said in a teasing way which made Sana slap her arm "OWW SANA IT WAS JUST A JOKE!!!" Momo whined while rubbing her arm "Ok since you guys will have a sleepover I had provided you guys some pajamas!" Dahyun said and handded them the pajamas that he asked Jiwook to buy "This is so cute of you dubs, thanks." Jeongyeon said and took the ostrich pajama since he knew it was his, Nayeon took the bunny pajama since she looks like a bunny, Chaeyoung took the tiger pajama since hes a cub, Tzuyu took the yoda pajamas since its the longest and hes yoda after all, Mina took the penguin pajama since she loves panguins, Momo took the raccon pajama since they said that she looks like one, Sana took the Shiba pajama since that is Dahyun's nickname for her, and lastly Daniel took the car pajama since its the one left "Ok now that everyone had their pajamas please change so that we will all be the same!" Dahyun said then everyone changed to their pajamas, the girls decided to change in the bathroom cause it will be very embarrassing to change infront of the guys "Ok now that everyone is done lets go to the game and movie room." Dahyun said and lead them to the room. (The room looks like this but there is a consol connected to it so that you can play.)

They were all amazed of how big the room is "Woah this is a cool room!" Tzuyu said which made Dahyun smile "This is where you guys will sleep for the night

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They were all amazed of how big the room is "Woah this is a cool room!" Tzuyu said which made Dahyun smile "This is where you guys will sleep for the night." Dahyun said "Where will you sleep?" Sana asked "In my room ofc." Dahyun said "And I want you guys to be comfortable since I will tell you guys all about my past." Dahyun added and smiled at them but everyone exchanged worried glances "You guys don't have to worry I've already moved on that's why we are here right now." Dahyun said "What do you mean Dahyun?" Mina asked "Well I haven't been here for almost 10 years." Dahyun said and everyone was shocked "You didn't go here for 10 years?!" Momo asked "Well it was very hard since all of my parents memories are all down here." Dahyun said with a weak smile and everyone understood his emotions "Soo how did you keep the place clean if you didn't go here for that long?" Jihyo asked and everyone except Dahyun gave her the what-the-fuck-are-you-saying look "Well I told Jiwook hyung that I want this place to be always clean so I guess the maids always clean it." Dahyun answered "So about your past are you ready to share it?" Nayeon asked in a concerned tone "Yes noona I am." Dahyun said and smiled at her "Shall I start?" Dahyun asked then everyone nodded signaling Dahyun to start his story.

"So this incident happened 10 years ago when I was just 10 years old me and my brothers were watching the news since we have nothing to do our parents had a bussines trip to Japan and they were on their way back here until we saw the news that the Kim's private jet had crashed me and my brothers were shocked then we all started to cry until Jiwook hyung confirmed that our parents are really dead I was very sad to the point that I would lock myself in my room and not eat and also cry myself to sleep, me and my brothers didn't have the guts to come down the basement since all the memories with them are all here since we like to have family bondings we usually go here to watch a movie, play games, and play the instruments. My mom was the one who taught me how to play the piano thats why my hyungs were all worried when they heard me play since I haven't played the piano for 10 years because it always remineds me of my mom but its all good now since I've moved on even though it hurts to know that your parents are gone I still have to move forward to make them proud." Dahyun explained then everyone went to hug him and gave him some words to cheer him up.

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