Special Chapter

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10 Years Later

Dahyun's pov
Me and Sana have now been married for 10 years and have 2 kids which are Kim Doyeon and Kim Sejun. Sejun is 10 while Doyeon is 9. We are now getting ready for our vacation "Hun are you ready?" I shouted "Yes now can you please tell the kids to get in the car." Sana said while walking down the stairs "Aren't you also coming?" I asked "Yes hun I'm coming but I still need to pack their snacks don't worry I won't take long." Sana said so I went to the kids room, and if your wondering where will we go we are going to our island for vacation together with our friends. "Doyeon-ah, Sejun-ah are you kids ready?" I asked "Yes dad tho Yeonie is still fixing her backpack." Sejun said "Aish oppa please help me!" Doyeon exclaimed "Help your sister and go to the car after, I'll take you luggages." I said then proceeded to take their luggages to the car, not long after the kids suddenly came out of the house followed by Sana then we went to the airport.

We are now at the plane when I got a call from Jeong hyung.
Jeong: Hyun!
Dahyun: Ohh hyung you called?
Jeong: Where the hell are you guys?!
Dahyun: We just got on the plane why?
Jeong: THE FUCK!!! All of us are already here!
Dahyun: Hyung lower down your voice ok!
Jeong: Ohh sorry~
Dahyun: We will be there in a few hours so can't you guys just entertain yourselves.
Jeong: Alright fine see ya later~

After that call I sighed "Hun whats wrong?" Sana asked worriedly so I gave her a bright smile "Nothing hun, Jeong hyung just screamed at me because we were the only ones missing." I said "Don't worry I'll scold him later." Sana said which just made me giggle.

No ones pov
Meanwhile at Kim's villa everyone has already settled in "YOO JISUNG!!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed "Yes dad?" Jisung asked "Wheres my watch?" Jeongyeon asked "Jesus dad its on your wrist!" Jisung said in annoyance "I'll deal with your dad go now with your friends." Nayeon said then Jisung ran out to where the other kids are "Seriously hyung are you that dumb now?" Chaeyoung teased "I can't belive that I literally saw someone become as savage toward Jeong hyung other than me." Tzuyu said which made everyone laugh "Shut up yoda." Jeongyeon said "So where is the owner of the villa?" Jihyo asked "Dahyun said that they just got on the plane." Jeongyeon answered "Welp lets just have fun while waiting for them to come." Daniel said then everyone nodded and started to entertain their selves.

~time skip~
After 3 hours the Kims finally reached the villa "Kean hyung!" Dahyun called and Kean suddenly came out of no where "Sir." Kean said "Please take our luggages to our rooms please." Dahyun said and Kean just nodded and started taking their luggages "Hey dad can we explore the place?" Sejun asked "Yeah sure but you have already been here a lot of times do you still need to explore?" Dahyun said "Thats his way of saying that he doesn't want to go inside the villa first." Doyeon said "Ok, ok just please be careful ok." Sana said and the 2 kids just nodded then ran off to somewhere "Hun lets go." Dahyun said and Sana just nodded then both of them went in the villa.

Everyone was in the living room except for the kids who are outside, they were playing charades not noticing the presence of the couple who just got in the villa. Chaeyoung was acting out an eagle than no one seems to get the answer right "Eagle." Dahyun asnwered then Chaeyoung jumped in victory but then they realize that it wasn't one of them who answered so they looked at the entrance of the living room where they saw the couple that they have been waiting for "Aye Kim Dahyun and Kim Sana is in the building!!!" Chaeyoung said "Still a rapper bro?" Dahyun asked "Duh that part of me never left." Chaeyoung said and went to hug Dahyun then they started to talk to each other catching up on what happen the past couple of years.

Meanwhile the 2 kids who are exploring the villa but ended up by the beach "Hey oppa do you think mom and dad are fine at the villa?" Doyeon asked "Of course, they are with their friends after all." Sejun asnwered, while both of them were walking on the sand someone suddenly called them "SEJUN-AH, DOYEON-AH!!!" Jisung exclaimed while waving his hand "JISUNGIE HYUNG!!!" Sejun exclaimed then ran towards them followed by Doyeon, After running they reach their friends "Oh shit bro!" Makoto said who is MiChaeng's child Makoto then ran towards Sejun and gave him a hug then they boys started doing their things "Misaki unnie!" Doyeon exclaimed and hugged her "Ohh Doyeoniee." Misaki said who is Tzuyu and Momo's child and hugged her back "Yah you guys forgot about me." Jieun said who is Daniel and Jihyo's child, after an hour or 2 Sejun received a call from his dad.
Sejun: Hello dad?
Dahyun: Are you with the other kids?
Sejun: Yeah why?
Dahyun: You kids need to come home now its getting late.
Sejun: Alright we will be there in a few minutes.
Dahyun: Ok bye~
Sejun: Byee~

"What was that about?" Jisung asked "Dad wants us to go home now since its getting late." Sejun answered "The last one is the ugliest!" Makoto exclaimed then started running back to the villa "YAH SON MAKOTO!!!" Jisung exclaimed then ran after him followed by the others.

~time skip~
It was already night time and all of them are at the outside pool, Jeongyeon and Daniel are grilling meet, Dahyun and Sana are cooking ramen, Momo and Nayeon are taking photos, Jihyo and Mina are fixing the table, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are shooting their water guns at the kids who are swimming at the pool. Thats how their 1st day of summer vacation started.

So I made a special chapter for this book since a lot of you guys loved it and I'm sorry if its just short but at least I updated with a special chapter that I hope you guys liked, welp thats it for this book thank you guys for the support I really appreciate it and we are almost to 18k reads which I'm very thankful of so yea thanks again guys bye bye people :)))

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