Chapter 6

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No ones pov
The next day came and Sana was the first one to wake up followed by the boys then the other girls they all went out of the basement to check if the Kim brothers are awake and surprisingly no one was awake except for the maids and guards, not long after Jiwook came "Ahh good morning children, I brought your clothes from your houses for this day." Jiwook said and handded the paper bag that he was holding "Thank you~" everyone said at the same time "If your wondering why is it so quiet its because the 3 younger boys are still asleep while the 2 older boys left for work." Jiwook explained "Oh can you kids wake up Dahyun since he said that you guys have something to do today and I still have to help the cooks for breakfast, his room is in the end." Jiwook added and everyone just nodded and went upstairs and looked for Dahyun's room, when they found it they were amazed of the room

" Jiwook added and everyone just nodded and went upstairs and looked for Dahyun's room, when they found it they were amazed of the room

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His room contains a balcony, 1 bathroom, 1 huge closet full of clothes, and a desk full of school and other stuff. There they saw Dahyun sleeping peacefully with a white teddy bear in his hands which made everyone look at him in awe but theres one who froze when she saw the teddy bear.

Sana's pov
He was the boy who was crying in the park?! I can't belive that the guy that I like right now is the boy the I cheered up when I was a kid, while I was still frozen in my place the others decided to wake up Dahyun "DAHYUN-AH WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" Daniel said while shaking Dahyun not long after he earned a smack on the head from Jihyo "THATS NOT HOW YOU WAKE UP PEOPLE IDIOT!!!" Jihyo scolded him "But thats how I wake up Jeong so I thought that it'll work for him..." Daniel said while rubbing his head but Dahyun was already awake so it also helped "Sana noona why are you by the door?" Tzuyu asked then everyone turned their heads to me "Uh well I was just shocked that Dahyun has that kind of teddy bear." I explained and walked over to them "Well this bear is very special to ne since it always cheers me up when I'm sad~" Dahyun said "I wish I could meet that noona again." Dahyun added "Why what happened?" Nayeon asked "Well it a long story..." Dahyun said then everyone tried to push him to tell his past story.

Dahyun's pov
Wow I can't belive that they actually made convinced me to tell my story haaa..... "You know Dahyun if you don't want to tell you story its alright." Mina noona said "Its ok noona I already agreed so theres no turning back." I said and smiled at her.

Flashback 10 years ago
After my parents funeral I ran out our house since I was so sad and depressed that my parents had already passed away, I ran and ran to where my feet brings me after a few minutes of running I found my self in a park that was near our house I looked for a vaccant bench and when I found one I sat there and cried my eyes out then someone came to me but I didn't notice her until she spoke "Hey kid are you alright?" The girl asked "I don't want to talk about it..." I said while crying "Here take my teddy bear his name is Saki-kun!" The girl said and handded me the teddy bear which I gladly took then she sat beside me "So are you ready to tell me your problem?" The girl asked "Well its because my parents are now dead and I just miss them..." I said and cried even harder while hugging the teddy bear then the girl hugged me "Its alright you will get over it sooner or later, I'm sorry if I can't give you a proper advice since I'm still to young." She said while rubbing her nape "Its ok noona thank you for cheering me up." I said and gave her a sweet smile which she returned "Why are you here alone noona?" I asked "Ohh shoot! I forgot about my dad he will kill me!" The girl said while panicking "Well I guess you should go now." I said "Well yeah but I didn't get your name." She said "Sorry noona but I can't give out my name but I'll just give you my nickname which is eagle." I said and smiled at her "Eagle huh, thats a weird nickname well see you around eagle." she said and ran away, it made me sad that I didn't even get a name from her but she came back "I forgot to tell you my nickname!" She said "My nickname is ******" she said and smiled at me then ran away again.

Present day
With that I finished my story "So whats her nickname?" Chaeng asked "I don't remember since it was years ago but it starts with c." I answered "I think destiny made a way for you guys to meet again." Sana noona said which made me confused "What do you mean noona? Do you know her?" I asked "Yes I do Dahyun and her nickname was clumsy." Sana noona said which made me froze cause she was certainly right about the nickname "Do you know where she is?" I asked "Yes Dahyun I know." She said, her smile still not leaving her beautiful face "Where is she now noona?" I asked "Right infront of you." Sana noona said we were all shocked but I saw how similar she is to the noona that I met so theres no doubt that shes lying "Ok if you need proof Saki-kun's name came from my name which is MinatozaKI SAna I made it when I was 5 years old." She said then I suddenly hugged her I don't really know what happened to me but I did that while tears are falling from my eyes "Why are you crying?" Sana noona asked "Tears of joy I guess but I want to thank you for cheering me up noona cause you and Saki-kun really helped me alot." I said then everyone joined the hug after a few seconds we broke the hug "We should go down Jiwook hyung might get mad." Jeongyeon suggested and everyone nodded "YES FOOD!!!" Momo exclaimed while clinging on Tzuyu "Noona not so loud." Tzuyu scolded Momo then we all got down to eat breakfast and got ready for today.

Sorry if its just short but at leat I updated and by the way thank you guys for 200 reads I was shocked that it reached 200 with just a few chapters but I am very thankful don't worry I'll try my best to update again soon cause I am very busy with school projects and other school related stuff so I'll just see you guys on the next chapter of this book bye bye!!!

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