Chapter 4

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Dahyun's pov
AISH SANA NOONA IS SUCH A FLIRT HOW THE HELL WILL I EVEN JOIN THEM FOR LUNCH???!!!! AHH!!! I'll just go to my hideout that no one knows I'll just text the cub that I won't join them for lunch later cause I really can't face Sana noona right now.

Hey cub I won't join you guys for lunch later :)))

Why aren't you joining? Did something happen are you alright???

Relax Chae I'll just be at my secret hideout for now

The last time you told me that you will be in your secret hideout was when you were sad are you sure your alright???

Chae I'm fine I just want to be alone for now nothing bad will happen I promise you that

If you say so just call me if something bad happens ok!

I will alright see you later!

Yeah see ya!

After that I turned off my phone and went to the abadoned music room near the school's garden, I saw this a year ago and no one knew where it was so I decided to keep the piano, clean the room, and did a little make over so that it won't look old when I finally got in I sat on the couch and called Jiwook hyung.
Jiwook: Yes Hyun what do you need?
Dahyun: Can you pick me up later hyung?
Jiwook: Yes I can but if you don't mind me asking, why do you wanna be picked up today?
Dahyun: Uhm... I invited my friends for a sleepover so yeah I need to do some stuff at home.
Jiwook: Is that soo... Do you need anything else?
Dahyun: Ahh yes I need pajamas with a tiger, ostrich, bunny, penguin, shiba, raccon, unicorn, car, and yoda print.
Jiwook: Ok I will ready that as fast as we could.
Dahyun: Thanks hyung and don't forget to pick me up ok?
Jiwook: Don't worry Hyun I won't forget.
After that I ended the call and went to the piano to play something cause I got bored even though my ps4 is here the piano is much more ammusing than the game itself haaa... I miss you eomma amd appa I hope you guys are proud of me.

No ones pov
While Dahyun was in his secret hideout the others are in the cafeteria eating "Hey Chaeng wheres Dahyun?" Sana asked "He said that he won't join us for lunch since he will be in his hideout." Chaeyoung answered "Is he alright?" Tzuyu asked in a worried tone "I'm worried to yoda but he said that hes fine." Chaeyoung answered the girls were confused at why they were worried about their friend who is just having their alone time "They are worried cause Dahyun only goes to his hideout if his sad or if he doesn't want to see someone." Jeongyeon said everyone then understood but all of them noticed that Sana blushed "Yah Sana why the hell are you blushing?!" Nayeon asked "No its nothing unnie~" Sana answered "Noona do you know anything about why Dahyun was in his hideout? You were the last one with him." Chaeyoung said "Yes I was the last one with him but I didn't do anything to make him sad." Sana said "So does that me you did something and now he doesn't want to see you?" Daniel asked but before Sana answered someone else answered "Ok stop asking her questions I was there cause I needed some alone time ok so leave Shiba noona alone." Dahyun said and sat beside Tzuyu "Since when did you call Sana shiba noona?" Jeongyeon asked "Earlier when we were left." Dahyun answered and drink his water "Does that mean she also made one for you?" Daniel asked and Dahyun almost spat out his water "Woah there buddy be careful!" Tzuyu said and handded him a napkin "She gave you an embarassing nickname did she?" Jihyo asked and Dahyun just blushed upon remembering the nickname Sana gave him "We'll take that as a yes~" All of them said except for Sana and Dahyun who were now a blushing mess "So whats the nickname?" Nayeon asked while smirking before the 2 could even answer the school bell rung both sighed in relif "You guys are saved by the bell, but we will continue this later." Mina said then everyone stood up and went to their classrooms.

Dahyun's pov
It was already our dismissal time and I've already told them that I won't be joinig them on walking back home cause I still need to take a quick bath and check if everything is already set after like 2 seconds my phone rang.
Dahyun: Wook hyung whats up?
Jiwook: The car is already waiting for you outside your schoo Hyun so if you want to get home fast go out now.
Dahyun: Ok, ok I'll be there.
With that I ended the call and went outside only to see our family car waiting for me so I went near then Kyun our family driver went out just to open the door for me "Good afternoon sir!" Kyun greeted "Good afternoon too hyung." I said and smiled at him. Minutes later we arrived at the mansion then Jiwook hyung greeted me which I returned "Ohh hyung if my friends came please guide them to the basement." I said "Are you sure Hyun?" Jiwook hyung asked in a worried tone "Yes I'm sure!" I said then smiled at him after that I went straight to my room to take a bath cause I need one.

No ones pov
Right after Dahyun went to his room to take a bath his friends came in "Ahh welcome." Jiwook greeted "Sir Dahyun wanted me to escort you guys in the basement but please don't go inside the rooms without Sir Dahyun's permission except the bathroom though which is on the left side." Jiwook added then brought them to the basement which was a music room with 2 other rooms and 1 bathroom "I will take my leave now." Jiwook said then left them alone, Dahyun on the other side just finished taking a bath so he wore his Eagle printed pajamas and went down "Wook hyung are they here?" Dahyun asked Jiwook who was in the kitchen drinking water "Yeah I brought them to the basement." Jiwook answered "Ok thanks but where are the pajamas that I asked you to get?" Dahyun asked "I had placed them in your bed, you didn't see it?" Jiwook asked, Dahyun shook his head "Aish this kid doesn't check his surroundings!" Jiwook scolded Dahyun who only gave him his sweet smile "Hehe I'll check again later, by the way where are my hyungs didn't they get home earlier than me?" Dahyun asked "Ohh they went to buy groceries for dinner cause I told them that you will have visitors today." Jiwook answered "Ok, thanks again hyung." Dahyun said then went to his room to get the pajamas then he went straight to the basement since all of his friends are there.

Ok guys I will cut the chapter here I know it sucks but I'll try my best to make it even better so far 2yeon, jiniel, and saida had already made progress don't worry I will try to include michaeng and motzu more cause for now I'm going to focus on Dahyun's past but I hope you guys liked this chapter I'll see you guys on the next chapter byeeee!!!! :)))

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