Chapter 14

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No ones pov
Their semestral break had already statrted today and the guys have nothing productive to do so Dahyun went to his room to take a nap after eating their lunch while the others are in the living room watching TV for a few hours then someone rang the doorbell "YAH TZUYU-AH OPEN THE DOOR!!" Jeongyeon said and Tzuyu just lazily got up from his seat and went to the front door and opened it "Ohh noonas come in." Tzuyu said then the girls went to the living room where the other guys are and Nayeon thought the Jeongyeon was too lazy so she smacked his head "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Jeongyeon exclaimed while rubbing his head "Thats what you get for being lazy hyung." Tzuyu said while laughing with the others "Seriously Yoo Jeongyeon, Are you that lazy that you can't open the door?" Nayeon asked "Alright I'm sorry~" Jeongyeon answered "So what brings you beautiful girls here?" Daniel asked "We were bored so we decided to go here!" Momo exclaimed "Wheres Dahyun by the way?" Sana asked "Ohh some girl went here and hungout with him." Tzuyu said then Tzuyu laughed at the girls shocked reaction "WHAT THE HELL IS SOO FUNNY CHOU TZUYU?!" Sana asked in an annoyed tone "AHAHAHA you should've seen you faces AHAHAHA!!!" Tzuyu said while laughing "He didn't hungout with some girl his in his room having his almost 3 hours nap." Chaeyoung explained since Tzuyu can't talk from laughing too hard "Ok you idiots we are going to the amusement park right now so go get ready!" Jihyo exclaimed then all the boys went to their rooms and got ready.

Sana's pov
I decided to go to Dahyun's room since Chaeng said that he is having a nap, when I reached his room I saw him sleeping peacefully while hugging the stuff toy that I gave him years ago, I jumped on his bed since I can't think of other solutions on how to wake him up so I just jumped on his bed which successfully woke him up "THE FUCK?!" Dahyun exclaimed surprised at what just happened "Hey..." I said "Geez, Sana is that the only way you can think of...?" Dahyun asked still half asleep "Sorry I couldn't really think of something else..." I said "You could've just kissed my lips and I would've woke up." Dahyun said then smirked, I just blushed "Ohh shut up~" I said, Dahyun then wrapped his arms around me which I gladly cuddled back "So why are you here my lovely Sana?" Dahyun asked "Well Nayeon unnie and Jihyo wanted to go to the amusment park so we went here to tell you guys about it." I explained "So are the guys ready?" Dahyun asked "I think so because when I decided to go here in your room Jihyo told them to go and get ready." I explained "Is that soo..." Dahyun said and got up from the bed and removed his top shirt "YAH KIM DAHYUN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??!!" I asked and covered my face with a pillow then he just giggled at me "Don't you like what you see?" Dahyun asked and I just threw the pillow that I'm holding and covered my eyes with my hand "No you pervert get dressed right now!" I exclaimed "I'll get ready for our plan today so go down to the living room with the others so that I can change peacefully." Dahyun said and I quickly got up from the bed and ran back to the living room where the other are "The hell happened to you?" Momo asked "Nothing..." I answered "So is dubs ready?" Chaeng asked "He's just getting ready." I said and sat beside Mina who is watching TV.

So yeah I know its short but I might not get to update in a few days since I am busy with a lot of school work thats why I decided to update now hope you guys understand, welp hope you guys also like this chapter even though its just short, well see you guys on the next chapter of this book byeeeee :)))))) don't forget to vote alright!!!!

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