Part 8

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

In Shehzad's room:-

After returning back from dinner Shehzad's stomach was not good. Once he went for bathroom then twice, thrice. In an hour he was in and out of the bathroom more than twenty times. When he started to feel dizzy he message Sheriyar to come to his room.

Sheriyar{worried} : Bhai, what happen?

Shehzad : I'm having diarrhea, could you fetch me some tablets?

Sheriyar : Sure bhai.

Sheriyar go to the chemist shop, purchase the tablets. While he was leaving the chemist stops him.

Chemist : Excuse me Sir, Can you return this card and slip to that madam.

Sheriyar{perplexed} : Which madam?

Chemist : I saw her with you in the evening, her name is on the card. She forgot to take her card after billing.

Sheriyar take a look at the card and notice "Anaya Sheikh" written on it. He takes it and tell the chemist that he'll give it to her. Sheriyar enter into Shehzad's room and first ask him to take the tablets.

Sheriyar : How are you feeling now?

Shehzad : Better, What's in your hand?

Sheriyar : Oh this, Anaya di's ATM card and receipt which she left at the chemist shop.

Shehzad : Let me see.

Sheriyar : Here {pass it to him}

Shehzad : Croton Tiglium pills?

Sheriyar : Why did she bought them?

Shehzad{realising} : I'm not having diarrhea, it was her plan.(How,When did she do it?)

Sheriyar : What are you trying to say?

Shehzad : I'm saying that she pranked the prankster (impressive). But she is unaware that Shehzad has never lost.

Sheriyar : What do you mean?

Shehzad : I mean she started it and I am going to end it.

Sheriyar : What's going on in your head?

Shehzad{smirking} : Tomorrow is gonna be a memorable day. (Be ready Miss Anaya, hahaha)


Next day:-

Sarfaraz was working out in the gym when he gets a call from his PA. He take a towel and while picking up the call he pats away the sweat.

Mr Imran Qatri : Hello Sir, you have a flight in 3hrs.

Sarfaraz : Thanks for reminding Mr Qatri.

Mr Qatri : If you don't want to come back, I can understand.

Sarfaraz : Mr Qatri!!!

Mr Qatri : Sorry Sir.


Alishba was enjoying her day in her room on her comfy bed sleeping when her phone starts ringing.

Alishba : Hello...

Mr Irfan Qatri : Hello Ma'am, I called you to remind that your flight will be leaving in 3hrs.

Alishba : Thank you Mr Qatri.

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