At the Camp(3)

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Day 28 contd:-

Ammar was lucky as the bullet just touched his leg but not entered inside. However he loose his balance and collapse on the ground due to the injury which gives the goon an upper hand.

Goon : This time the bullet just touched and passed you, next time if you pull a stunt like this I'll kill you.

Ammar was whimpering in pain when in a flash the goon fall beside him unconscious as Sanam has hit him on the neck's pressure point which she learnt in her martial arts class.

Sanam{worried} : Are you alright?

Ammar : Yeah.

They hear someone speaking on walkie talkie, Sanam pick it up to listen as well as get shocked to know that their mentor is giving all the instructions.

Mentor on walkie talkie : Where are you? I can't see you on the camera's. You are out of range, Did you catch the boy?

Both of them keep quiet, Sanam help Ammar in walking. They walk about half an hour and find a huge tree where no camera's were installed. It was getting dark so they decide to take rest since Ammar's injury had to be treated.

Sanam : I'll do the dressing so that no more blood is loss until we are out of here. {She dig in her bag to get out the necessary items likewise treat Ammar's wound} Where's the phone?

Ammar : It might have fallen when I was running.

Sanam : It's okay, hope the message is delivered.

Sanam collect some thick branches, rock's to build a barrier around them so that no animal can harm while they are sleeping.


The goon gets his conscious back and he head back to the mentor and inform him that Ammar/Sanam have escaped moreover they even have the walkie talkie.

Mentor : You all are good for nothing, go search for them it's night already they wouldn't have gone far.


Day 29:-

Sanam wake up at dawn, at present she was searching for something to eat at a distance from Ammar. When all of a sudden two goons come infront of her in addition to that they take her to the mentor. Sanam was currently tied to a chair in a hut.

Mentor : Where is Ammar?

Sanam : I don't know, we got separated while running.

Mentor : Is it? So, when I speak on this walkie talkie no one's gonna reply.

Sanam : I don't know what you're talking about.

Mentor on walkie talkie : Listen carefully Ammar, I have Sanam with me. If you don't come to me by yourself she might get hurt.


Ammar listen to the warning along with gets scared for Sanam. He reach that secluded place after an hour of searching. He make a plan, according to which he switch off the generator.

Mentor : How did the generator switch off? Something is wrong{point at two goon}both of you go and check.

The goons walk in the direction of the generator. While checking the generator both of them unexpectedly tumble and become unconscious. It was due to the Deadly Nightshade liquid which Ammar has spread on the generator.

{Deadly Nightshade is a plant which contains atropine/scopolamine in its stems, leaves, berries, roots and causes paralysis in the involuntary muscles of the body including the heart}

Ammar hide the bodies of that goons furthermore wait for other's to arrive. The remaining two goons too advance towards the generator and same situation takes place.

Mentor was getting frustrated for the reason that no one was returning back. Hence he grap Sanam's arm, make her stand, take her out of the hut with gun pointing on her forehead.

Mentor{yelling angrily} : Ammar!!! come out or I'll kill her.

Sanam{crying} : Don't come out Ammar, he wants to kill you. {The mentor slaps Sanam due to which blood oozes from her lower lip}

Mentor : I'll count till

Ammar{raising his hands in surrender} : Don't shoot her, I'm here.

Mentor : Good boy.

Sanam{sobbing} : Why did you???

Mentor : Shhh! Or I'll shoot you instead of him?

Ammar : Sir, you were my ideal coach. I liked you so much then, why?

Mentor : Money can make anyone do anything.

Ammar : I know you are not a bad person.

Mentor : A bad person is always a bad person.

The moment Mentor was about to shoot Ammar someone shoot on his palm which cause the gun in his hand to drop down. They turn around to find the cops with Mr Shah/Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Flashback :-

Sanam : What are you doing?

Ammar : Sending message to my uncle who lives in Canada so that we can get help.

Sanam : Network?

Ammar : It will get delivered wherever network will be good.


In the night:-

Mr Shah gets a notification on his mobile that he received a message.

Message : "SOS - HELP (Ammar)"

Mr Shah was confused as the number doesn't belong to Ammar but his instinct was telling him that this is a serious matter. Hence he contact the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

The VC ask him to arrive at the University as soon as possible, they view the live footage which was still in loop which confirm their doubts.

The VC without thinking of the reputation of the University inform the cops who start to trace the phone number and due to network issues after 2 hour's they find the exact location.

A search team with Mr Shah/VC head to the location which take them untill morning to get there. They begin to search, together with rescue most of the students who were wandering in groups as the map was only to confuse them.

The cops look for any clues to reach Ammar/Sanam. They reach at the right time when the mentor was going to shoot Ammar.

Flashback ends.

The cops arrest the Mentor whereas Mr Shah/VC rushes to Ammar/Sanam to examine if they are okay. The emergency doctors who were with the cops treat Ammar's wound.


In the car:-

Ammar/Sanam were sitting in the backseat of the car where Sanam's head was on Ammar's shoulder and Ammar's head on her head.

By witnessing this scene Mr Shah smile inwardly as his small boy has turned into a man today.


They reach at Sanam's hostel, she gets down and begin to walk into the hostel but her steps halt at the door. She turn to ask Ammar "If he will be fine?" To which he replies as "Yes."


Will the Mentor reveal who gave him this task?

What will be Mr A's reaction to this incident?

Do you think Mr Shah will inform to the Sheikh sister's?

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