Part 41

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Mirza Bungalow:-

Shehzad was clever to carry Anaya from backside of the bungalow so that their watchman doesn't catch him taking an unconscious girl.


Mirza's Farmhouse:-

Shehzad stop his car infront of the farmhouse, he get down together with march to Anaya's side pick her up in bridal style moreover take her inside to a room.

He very carefully place her on a chair likewise tie her up with a rope and sit on the front chair admiring her.

Shehzad{crazy tone} : The more you try to stay away from me, I want to bring you that much close to me.

After a while Anaya gain her consciousness, she begin to struggle to free her hands.

Shehzad : Angel, you are up. Great!

Anaya{scared} : Why did you tie me?

Shehzad{psycho tone} : Because I know you'll run away.

Anaya{afraid} : Shehzad do you even realize what you're doing?

Shehzad : What?

Anaya : This is called kidnapping.

Shehzad : I know in addition to that it's not the first time I did it.

Anaya{shocked} : It means

Shehzad : Yep I only took you that day, I'm sorry. I was angry when you rejected me.

Anaya{furious} : Are you in your senses? {She look around for her phone}

Shehzad : Looking for this{show her phone} Don't worry, I messaged Amara that you'll be late today.

Anaya : (Hope he got my message, Please Allah help me)

Shehzad : Do you love Ayaan? {Anaya wasn't replying} You are silent, no problem let's play a game.

He bring a table, place his left palm on it, on top of that he take out a knife from pocket. Apart his fingers using it including to that he starts to stab back and forth between his fingers, trying not to hit them.

Anaya{worried} : Are you mad?

Shehzad : Did he force you to love him? Tell me Anaya, say something. {The speed of knife was increasing with each question} You love me right? {Yelling} Speak up god dammit!!! Anaya do you love me? YES or NO!!! {He hit side of one finger causing blood to ooze from it}

Anaya{crying} : Nooo!!! no... as I love Ayaan.

Shehzad{maniacally} : You can't decide that, I love you. You can't love him, why? just tell me why did you do this to me? {He with force hit on the table and break it into two}

Anaya{sobbing} : I never felt something for you.

Shehzad{madly} : You got jealous of Seher in mall as well as at office. What was it then?

Anaya{weeping} : Seher likes you, I was just trying to make her feel what I felt when she hugged Ayaan in class that day. In office I was jealous that's true although not for you, it was for Ayaan as he was doing all her works.

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