Part 21

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

At the camp:-
Day 13:-

All the students were playing a game by dividing into two teams. In the game a member of team A, should recognize three members of their team with a blindfold on his/her eyes.

Sanam was selected to go first, she gets blindfolded and proceed towards the six members standing infront of her. She acknowledge her friends from the five persons likewise move to the last person who happen to be Ammar.

She touch his face, next cheeks, then eyes and lastly hair. Everything seems to be in slow motion for them, she smile and say loudly 'Ammar.' Their team won, in addition to that both of them were blushing as their friends were teasing them.


Day 14:-

Sanam fill two plates of food, then search Ammar to give him one plate. She walk to a distance and spot him sitting with her friend who was offering him food. She gets upset and walk away, after a while Ammar approaches her.

Ammar : What's wrong?

Sanam : Nothing.

Ammar : Where is my plate?

Sanam : Why? Didn't you already ate?

Ammar : I...{remember the incident} oh that! I just tasted from her plate.

Sanam{annoyed} : Have the whole lunch with her too.

Ammar : Are you angry?

Sanam : No...

Ammar : I'm sorry.

Sanam : I don't need your sorry.

Ammar : Till when will you be angry with me?

Sanam : Lifelong!!!

Ammar{teasingly} : Okay, it means we will be together lifelong?

Blood rushes to Sanam's face on this statement and Ammar smirks looking at her.


Day 15:-

Sanam was on the way to her room when she unexpectedly lose her balance. She close her eyes however when didn't feel herself touching the ground, she open her one eye and realize that Ammar is holding her.

Ammar : I saved you at the correct time. {They were very close to each other}

Sanam{nervous} : Yeah, Thank you.

Ammar{murmurs} : That's why I tell you to hold my hand forever.

Sanam : What?

Ammar : Nothing. {He winks at her and enter into his room}


Day 16:-

Sanam brings tea for everyone, currently she was infront of Ammar.

Sanam : much sugar?

Ammar : Drink a sip and give me.

Sanam : (Really?)

Ammar : (100 persent)

She take a sip then offer him. Ammar drink the tea with a cute smile and Sanam was trying to hide her tomato color cheeks.

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