Part 16

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Unknown place:-

An unknown person is lying comfortably on his bed and staring at Anaya's pic which he is holding in his hand. He roll over onto his stomach and starts to talk with Anaya's pic. On the side table, Anaya's coffee mug is also present which was stolen from the cafeteria.

Unknown person POV :

The first time I saw you, I concluded that your name must be definitely 'Angel.' Your way of talking, your beautiful hazel brown eyes, silky hair, tiny nose moreover not to forget your killer smile. I lost my heart to you at that moment.

Next when I saw you getting angry without knowing the reason, then realizing your mistake and asking sorry. I decided that this girl is the one for me, I mean only a blind person can not fall for your angry, cute realisation and sorry face.

This handkerchief of yours{he sniff it} it still has your fragrance and it can make me go crazy. You are making me crazy Angel.

I even called you Angel once. The day we had coffee together was the best day of my life. I was wishing to be that cup which was so close to you.

They say by sharing food love increases between two people hence I ate your left out. When I saw you sad on wedding day I sent you that chit, soon you will be mine and only mine.


Mirza Bungalow:-

Alishba enter into her room as in Sarfaraz's room.

Alishba{annoyed} : Where am I stuck? Our likes don't match at all, he like tea and I love black coffee. On top of that I had to get ready as well as have breakfast with him to show his brothers. He forced me to drink tea, like I don't have any other work. Arrrggg!!! How I hate him.

Sarfaraz{who just came, smirking} : Sarfaraz-2, Alishba-1.

Alishba : I'll take revenge.

Sarfaraz : Like you took today morning for last night.

Flashback :-
Last night:-

Shehzad/Sheriyar demanded Sarfaraz to carry Alishba in bridal style to his room. After reaching his room Alishba struggles in his hold because of which both of them fall on the bed. They abruptly straighten themselves and try to avoid eye contact.

The room was beautifully decorated with rose petals along with scented candles everywhere. Sarfaraz go to freshen himself and when he come back he find Alishba in the same position.

Sarfaraz : Alishba, go and change.

Alishba : I'll not share a room with you.

Sarfaraz : You don't have a choice, I don't want my brothers to know the truth.

Alishba{sarcastically} : Let them also know how heartless is their so called big brother.

Sarfaraz : Mrs Mirza, don't even think of spilling it to them.

Alishba : Don't call me that.

Sarfaraz : You are and you will be Mrs Alishba Sarfaraz Mirza. (Why does It feel so nice to hear?)

Alishba : I'll stay on one condition, we will not share the bed.

Sarfaraz take steps towards Alishba, she start to get nervous and think "Why is he coming in my direction? What's he gonna do?"

Mr.A's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now