Part 11

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

At the University:-
In the cafeteria:-

Sheriyar arrive at the table where Amara was already waiting for him.

Sheriyar : Hi...

Amara : Hi...umm I ordered the food you wait here, I'll bring it.

Sheriyar : Okay.

Amara walk towards the counter and before she can pick her tray of food someone else take it. Amara hold the hand of that girl.

Random Girl{confused} : What are you doing?

Amara : What are you doing? That's my order.

Random Girl : You are mistaken, this is my order.

Amara : I know what I ordered. {People start to gather around them}

Random Girl : I'm also aware what's my order.

Amara : How can you order the same items.

Random Girl : Why not?

Amara : You just...{canteen boy come to Amara with a tray in his hand}

Canteen boy : Didi, your order.

Random Girl{annoyed to Amara} : Without knowing, you started to blame me.

Sheriyar : Listen, let's end this matter. 

Random Girl : She humiliated me publicly, now she need to apologize publicly.

Amara : (Oh shoot!!!) {bite her tounge} (Now what, think Amara think. Idea.....)

Amara : Fine, I'll apologize.

Sheriyar{astonished} : (Did I heard right? She agreed, that's not her style. Shut up Sheriyar you don't know her well)

While saying "I am...I am..." Amara faints, one girl tell "Oh God, she fainted" another tells "take her to the medical room." Some girls take her to the medical room with Sheriyar.


Classmate{pat her cheeks} : Amara! Amara! Water! {She sprinkle some drops on her face} Amara, open your eyes.

Amara{she slowly open her eyes} : What happened? Where am I?

Sheriyar : (She is such a drama queen. She is pretending, so that she doesn't have to apologize.)

Classmate : I'll go and call the nurse. {Amara and Sheriyar were alone, Sheriyar was staring at her}

Amara{nervous} : What?

Sheriyar{curiously} : Suddenly what happened to you?

Amara : Uh..I was very tense about our project, I haven't eaten anything from morning. So, I fainted.

Sheriyar : Oh, was that the reason?

Amara : Yes, it happens with me. The day I dont eat I faint.

Sheriyar{mocking} : Look at your condition, let me take to a hospital.

Amara : No!!! Its all right. I'm feeling better now.

Sheriyar : You act well, why don't you try for daily soaps? {Amara look at him with shock} Don't give me that look, you were wrong you had to apologize.

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