At the Camp(2)

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Flashback :-
Phone conversation:-

Mr A's PA : Kill the boy.

Mentor : Is that Mr A's order?

Mr A's PA : No, mine. I'll pay you 50% more on what's he paying, just complete my work.

Mentor{greedily} : Okay, money can make me do anything.

Mr A's PA : Just remember no one should know about it not even Mr A.

Mentor : Ofcourse.

Flashback ends.


Day 28 contd:-
In the forest:-

Sanam : Ouch!!!{hold her ankle}

Ammar : What is it? Just a sec let me examine it.

Sanam : {as Ammar was about to touch it}No!

Ammar : It's an insect sting, let me suck it out.

Sanam : Noooooo...

Ammar : I'm trying to help you.

Sanam : Ohoo! insects sting should not be sucked, they show wrong in the movies. It could be dangerous, wait a minute maybe we have a medicine in the kit.

She pull out an antiseptic ointment but was unable to apply hence Ammar take it from her also apply it on the sting.

Sanam : (he is my Prince charming)


After a while:-

Ammar : You are limping a lot, I think we should take rest for a bit.

Sanam : Not necessary, I'm fine.

Ammar : You are too stubborn.

He pull her down with him to sit when suddenly they feel something sticky on their handcuffed hands. They raise their hands and get petrified as it was blood. Both of them begin to move the heap of leaves only to get horrified on finding an injured helper.

Sanam{worried} : Uncle...uncle...

Ammar : He is unconscious, pass me the water bottle.

Sanam : I said you something is wrong here, I even saw a gun. {The helper open his eyes}

Ammar : Uncle...are you okay?

Helper :

Sanam : Sir? What happened to him?

Helper :

Sanam : Save? Whom?{unfortunately the helper dies, Ammar check his pulse to confirm}

Ammar : Sanam we need to go and inform Sir.

Sanam{terrified} : Ammar! Did u see? he..he.. died. I..I'm not imagining we are actually in danger, no no no no nooo...

Ammar : Sanam stop panicking we have to be strong to save ourselves as well as others.

Sanam{frightened} : How will we do that? He is dead, a person died, it mean we can't do anything we we...

Ammar : Sanam enough!!! Get up and fight we can't get weaken now, overcome your fear.

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