Part 37

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Khan Mansion:-
Ayaan's room:-

Anaya{panic} : What! What should I do now? (Call Sarfaraz jiju)

She try to unlock Ayaan's mobile which he left on the bed although it had a word lock. She type her name considering what all she read in Mr A's diary and it gets unlocked. She hurriedly dials Sarfaraz number.

Sarfaraz : Hello, Ayaan.

Anaya{sniffing} : Jiju...

Sarfaraz{confused} : Anaya? Why are you calling from Ayaan's number? {Worried} Are you crying? What's wrong?

Anaya : Jiju..please come to Khan Mansion as soon as you can.

Sarfaraz{puzzled} : Why? Is everything okay?

Anaya : You'll get to know when you arrive here, if possible call the cops too.

Sarfaraz : You are scaring me, where are you? Are you safe?

Anaya{weeping} : I'm...I'm locked in Ayaan's room.

Sarfaraz : Don't worry, I'll be there. Just stay safe also hidden if something unusual is going on there.

Anaya : Okay.


In the hall:-

Mr A{annoyed} : Who entered my secret room?

Maid : I don't know.

Ayaan who was furiously descending the stairs calm himself down a bit as he knew anger will not be helpful in such situations.

Ayaan : Uncle...

Mr A : Ayaan? When did you return?

Ayaan{show Mr A his diary} : What's this?

Mr A{nervous} : Where did you get it from?

Ayaan : Doesn't matter, just tell me whatever is written in it is a lie.

Mr A{afraid} : I can explain, just hear me out.

Ayaan{controlling his anger} : Did you do all that? Yes or No?

Mr A : Ayaan my boy, listen to me.

Ayaan{yelling} : Yes! Or No!!!

Mr A{regretfully} : Yes.

Ayaan couldn't believe the confession of his uncle, he wanted to hit someone hence he break the center glass table in the hall which result in blood oozing from his hand.

Mr A{petrified} : Ayaan!!!

PA : Baba[child]!!!

Mr A{hold Ayaan's hand} : You are hurt{To maid} Get the first aid box.

Ayaan{sadly} : Yes, I'm hurt. It's hurts here{he points at his heart} I'm not angry, I'm in pain furthermore you put me in this position. The person I trusted the most is taking revenge based on some misunderstanding.

Mr A{offended} : It's true, they betrayed me.

Ayaan : You never tried to find out the truth. You just wanted to assume what you concluded in your mind.

Mr.A's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now