Flower Crowns - Logicality

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Patton walked into the flower shop that he and his best friend had owned for a little over a year.

He pushed open the door and listened for the ding of the bell that went off whenever the door was opened.

He skipped over to the flower bouquets and started to prepare them for the day.

He made sure that all the flowers were fresh and replaced the ones that weren't with new ones.

He still had plenty of time before he was supposed to open the shop so he decided to make a flower crown out of some extra daisies.

Making daisy chains was why he decided to open the shop with Virgil.

Ever since he was younger he'd sit outside for hours and make daisy chain jewelry. He ran around playing his favorite game that he called 'Flower Kingdom' where he would be the Daisy King and he would get Virgil to be the King of Lavender sometimes. (I'm editing this and I realized that I never mentioned I used to play this game when I was really young :P)

And here he was now, years later and after a lot of work he fulfilled his dream of owning a flower shop called 'Flower Kingdom'.

He smiled giddily and he finished his incredibly elaborate daisy chain (From years of practice) and placed it onto his light brown mop of curls.

He looked at the clock on the light blue, pastel walls and walked over to the door, flipping the sign so that it now said 'Open :)' instead of 'Closed'.

He sat down at the staff seats by a large window that looked out onto the street and all the other shops, including the small bookstore and cafe across the road.

'Black Books' the sign read. (If you get the reference you are now my best friend).

Patton gazed fondly at the sleek, black paint covering the rather big windowsill with withered flowers in a pot below the window that looked into the entire, cozy bookshop from outside.

Patton looked into the bookshop from the florists as if he didn't do it every day and saw him.

The co-owner of the cozy bookshop that Patton had a huge crush on, was sitting by the window.

He was very tall, at least 6ft. He had dark hair that was almost black except for the dark blue tips at the front, pale skin that shone in the sunlight from the window and extremely formal clothing, matching his personality perfectly. The way he walked so confidently and sat by the window lost in thought or completely engulfed in a book made Patton's stomach jump with butterflies.

He didn't even realize he was staring until somebody poked him, waking him from his trance.

"Patton buddy, you gonna work or are you just going to stare at tall handsome guy all day?"

Patton immediately recognized the voice as his lifelong friend, Virgil.

"Wha- oh uh sorry," Patton said while rubbing his neck and smiling, very embarrassed about getting caught.

"Will you just go talk to him already? You've had a crush on him for months now!" Virgil exclaimed in a pleading tone and leaned with his back against the counter, facing Patton.

"No, I can't! I'd be too nervous! I get flustered just looking at him, can you imagine what I'd be like in a conversation?" Patton went red at the thought and sighed at the darkly dressed male.

"Ugh fine..." Virgil accepted, knowing that his fatherly figure was right in saying that he wouldn't be able to talk to him.

"You'll have to talk to him someday though!" Virgil declared just before the subject was dropped.

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