Happiness Comes First - Logicality

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Major Logan angst!

Tw: Suicidal thoughts, fighting, self hatred, suicide and character death.

Tell me if I missed anything.

-Happiness comes first-

Logan felt the phone between his fingers.

He wanted more than anything to call him.

He even managed to dial the full number before dropping his phone suddenly.

He shouldn't call him.

He couldn't.

Not after all this time.

He had hurt Patton badly and it would be selfish of him to want him back.

It was all just because he had snapped.

He has been working late for the third week in a row and couldn't deny the fact that him and Patton were having problems anymore. He came home and Patton had prepared dinner for the both of them.

But Logan had to work.

He headed straight to his home office and barely spared his fiance a glance.

Logan slammed his fist against the desk in frustration. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and flowing into his desk and into his mouth.

Patton had only gone up to ask Logan to have dinner...

Why did he snap?

It was all blurry in his memory.

There was screaming and yelling followed by a lot of tears.

Words that should NEVER have been said.

Patton stormed out that night, heartbroken.

Logan wanted to run after him, call his name and scream into the night about everything he had done wrong, everything that he could have changed.



Those were the words that plagued Logan's mind. The words that taunted him in his sleep, the words that kept him from ever feeling the joyful release from the bitter, dark abyss that he knew he would never stop suffocating in.

His thoughts couldn't help but taunt him over what he could have said, done or tried that would've landed him with an alternate fate.

He had given up trying to be happy.

It was too hard.

Happiness takes effort.

Logan didn't have any effort left.

He finally picked up the phone again and opened Patton's contact.

Feeling mushed together in his stomach as he entered mmessages and began typing.


Logan: I am so sorry Patton.

Logan: For everything.

Logan: I was never enough for you and it showed in our relationship. I never admitted to my insecurities and that caused me to snap.

Logan: I am in no way asking for forgiveness.

Logan: I don't deserve forgiveness.

Logan: I just wanted to give a final goodbye.

Logan: Maybe in another universe this worked out and I wouldn't feel like I'm drowning every second of every day.

Patton: are you okay?

Patton: do you need help?

Patton: should i come over??

Logan: I love you so much Patton.

Logan: I'm so sorry for ruining everything.





Patton: im coming and im calling 911

Patton: dont do anything stupid lo


Logan placed his phone on his desk.

The texts were coming in every few seconds now.


The words spiralled in his head.

Over and over.

Again and again.

Logan grabbed a pen and the paper he had been writing on.

He made a few swift hand movements and signed his name neatly on the bottom. He stood up from his chair and felt the silence in the room hit him like a bag of bricks with each passing second.

Each second he was alive was a waste.

He placed a firm grip on the chair he had previously been sitting on and dragged it across the room.

He set it so that he could get up.

He took a large step as he thought about nothing but self loathing and regret.

He reached for the noose.

He took a deep breath as he felt the rope on his neck.

He chuckled.

He always hated the easy way out.

He kicked.

All of the colours around him mushed together into one.

It felt like light and darkness were joining forces to make him suffer.

He let out a breath of relief.

All of the self hate and thoughts were gone.

It was so quiet...

And peaceful.

He smiled as he let the darkness take over and the muffled screams silence around him.

-Happiness comes first-

-Letting go is plan B-


I write angst when I can't sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for writing so much Logicality but I'm working on a Oneshot with both ships.

I'm always 100% open to requests (especially Prinxiety because I'm terrible at coming up with ideas for them).

Thanks you so much for reading :)


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