Heaven and Hell Part two -Logicality-

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Afterlife Au.

TW- Heaven and Hell.

Logan exited the elevator from hell and entered level two.

It was the first day of his second month working there with Patton.

He walked past the bookshelves and filing cabinets and over to his shared office. He took a deep exhale before opening the door and walking in.

As always Patton was already there but he always refused to start working without Logan.

"Logan!" Patton said happily and waved excitedly from his seat.

Something about the bubbly angel's constant happy mood made something in Logan light up but he chose to ignore it.

"Nice to see you again Patton." He said and took his seat beside the angel.

They worked hard for another day. Since starting Patton had gotten much better at excepting that not everyone deserves a second chance and Logan had gotten better at not sending everyone to hell on instinct.

Although Logan hated to admit it he knew that something inside him enjoys being around the angel he had gotten used to working with.

Patton knew full well that he thoroughly enjoyed the demon's company. Something about how he was so dark and ominous made Patton just want to look into his deep, dark, blue eyes and never stop.

It only took a few weeks for Patton to realise his feelings for Logan. He obviously hadn't said a single word to Roman about working with a demon because Patton knew the other angel's opinions on the subject and they weren't good.

He hadn't even noticed that he was supposed to be judging a recently deceased until someone called him.

"So what do you think? Heaven or Hell?"




"Wha- yeah Lo!" Patton said and snapped out of his trance.

"You zoned out. What do you think of Harold Cooper?" Logan asked and Patton looked back down at the paper.

"Hmm..." Patton hummed as he read it over.

"I'd say Heaven." Logan said which shocked Patton.

"You're actually going with Heaven straight off the bat?"

"Straight off the?"

"It's a figure of speech Lo."

"Yeah well you've showed me how to focus a little more at the positives and to see if they out way the negatives which is clearly the case here." He said and gestured to the sheet.

"Aww Logie! I'm so proud of you!" Patton said and leaped from his chair to pull Logan into a large hug. Logan felt his face go red and gave Patton a small hug in return.

"Thank you Patton. That is very kind of you." He said as his face grew even more red although thankfully the other couldn't see.

Patton released him very suddenly causing the legs on Logan's chair to lose balance making them topple over with Patton landing on top of Logan. Their faces both went a deep scarlet at the awkward position they landed in.

"Patton."Logan said while Patton was just above him and using his arms that were placed beside either side of Logan's head to hold himself up.

"Y-yeah Lo..." He said while very flustered.

"I-I can't move with you on top of me." H le said and did his best to avoid direct eye contact.

"Oh yeah! Sorry!" Patton said and hastily jumped up and extended a hand to Logan to help him up.

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