Office Job - Both

444 23 52

Human Au

Virgil hopped off the bus and strolled down the path.

He worked an office job, in a single person cubicle with about forty cubicles around him.

He sighed as he pushed open the office building door and flashed his employee card to the front desk worker.

He got into the elevator with a group of other tired workers and stood as it passed by each floor eventually stopping on the sixth.

Virgil left the elevator and stepped into the large office.

Yayyyyyy another day in hell.

He slumped into his cubicle chair at the very left far corner of the office and stared at his computer screen.

After staring at collum after collum of numbers for God knows how long he is brought back to reality by a freakily happy person.

"Heya kiddo! How's your day going?" Patton asked in a way too cheery voice for a Monday.

"The usual, hellish." Patton took on a concerned dad look that Virgil found amusing.

"Well I bought you a coffee on my way in so I just came over to give it to you!" Patton held up the extra coffee in his hand.

Virgil now felt terrible for ever thinking that Patton was annoying. He now saw him as he truly was,

His savior.

"Oh my God Pat you are heaven on Earth, thank you!" Virgil grabbed his coffee and sipped it eagerly. Patton chuckled and sipped his own coffee.

"Okay kiddo, enjoy. I'll see you at lunch!" Patton waved goodbye as he turned and walked back to his cubicle on the other side of the office.

Right when Virgil had begun to work again something hit him on the shoulder like it did every day.

A piece of paper.

Although this time it was folded to look like a paper airplane.

Virgil scrunched up the weak attempt at tormenting him and stood up to find the person who threw it.

Then he saw Roman Prince looking oddly disappointed.

Probably because it didn't annoy me enough.

Virgil glared at Roman who shrunk back into his seat slightly and went back to his work.

That asshole pisses me off.

Virgil sat back down and lay his head in his hands.

Why does he throw something at me every single day?

Does it amuse him?

Am I that fun to annoy?

Virgil huffed to himself and continued working.

Before Virgil knew it, it was lunch and he could finally take a break.

He got out of his uncomfortable swivel chair and made his way to the break room.

Virgil trudged over to the chair beside Patton and sat down. Patton was talking to Logan and gesturing his hands wildly like he always did when making a point.

"I'M JUST TELLING YOU LO- Oh hey Virge!" Patton stopped when he noticed Virgil's presence.

"The hell were you guys talking about?" Virgil looked at two pair in front of him.

"Uhh work stuff..." Patton half mumbled and looked at his feet.

Patton and Logan had huge crushes on each other but Logan didn't know he had a crush on Patton and Patton is pretty exhausted of constantly flirting with Logan and getting absolutely nowhere. Which makes them argue an annoying amount more than usual and slightly irritating to hang out with.

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