Life and Death - Prinxiety

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I'm really happy right now because me and a few friends were helping our other friend come out and he did! I'm so proud of him. His mom wouldn't let him use her nail polish so my other friend is going to drop off a bunch of her nail polish at his house. So yeah...

Screw gender stereotypes.


The figure of Death hunched over the evening's paperwork and lazily filled in each form in a repetitive cycle.

His thin cursive slowly filled the pages scattered across his oversized dark oak desk. The graceful design trailing down the edges of the desk was hidden behind the piles of paper and folders swamping the poor man's workload.

He grumbled under his breath as he finished another sheet and set it down on the growing pile beside him.

You would think that's figure as well known as Death would be stuck with a less menial task than paperwork.

At least some days were more exciting. Every so often a reaper would have too much on their plate and Death would have to be called in to collect souls.

Those were his favourite days, the days when he got to break away from his office and get some fresh air were always the best.

His hand swayed elegantly across the page as he filled out boxes without more than a second glance.

Right as he went to turn another page, a knock echoed around the large office.

Death mumbled a low few words telling whoever it was to come in, keeping his head in his work as he spoke.

The door creaked open to reveal the glowing presence of someone Death knew all too well.

Life practically skipped inside the office, allowing Death a proper look at him.

His skin lit up the room with it's smooth, warm radiance and his light, chestnut curls fell playfully over his forehead, giving him an admirable look of effortless beauty about him. Life's gleaming, golden pupils shone out among his features. They were deep and mysterious but at the same time close and warmer than anything else you'd ever get to know. Staring into them for just a moment too long would swell your heart with a sense of joy which words could only fail to give justice.

A crimson sash draped over his shoulder and around his light robe-like clothing. Gold thread details ran down the edges of his clothing, forming suns, stars, clouds and other beacons of hope you'd expect the embodiment of Life to wear.

Life pranced over to Death's desk and leaned forward casually, leaning his head on his palm. The old, dry potted plant he had accidentally brushed with his hand suddenly bloomed to life and sprouted vibrant green leaves where grey dead leaves were before.

Virgil frowned the plant before turning his attention to the Life's obnoxious throat clearing.

"Good morning beautiful." Life lowered himself a little closer to death, making said emo squint a little to adjust his eyes to the light.

"What did I say about calling me that?" Death pushed aside his paperwork and focus solely on the man in front of him.

Life huffed and shrunk back into his shirt ever so slightly.

"Not to."

"Exactly. Now why are you here?" As bright and optimistic as Life was, he was easy to get tired of.

"Just thought I'd pop in for a quick chat with the prettiest embodiment of death out there." Life tilted his head in his hand and smiled a dopey grin which hit Death in a way he couldn't explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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