Roommates - Both

360 16 41

Tw: Swearing. (+Semi violent threat.)


Virgil stumbled sleepily over his feet as he left his bedroom with a large cotton blanket pulled around his shoulders for protection from the mildly cold air surrounding him. He shuffled closer to the kitchen where he could already hear the ungodly morning screeches of what he unfortunately, had as a roommate.

Virgil grumbled a few words (which were likely nothing pleasant) under his breath and pushed open the kitchen door, unbothered to close it behind him. The trash gremlin of a man who was standing on the counter performing what could only be described as a his personal take on Blue from Heathers, stopped 'singing' upon Virgil's entrance and turned to the emo, apparently expecting praise.

Virgil, who was having none of this in his groggy state, put him in his place.

"What the hell are you looking at me for? A cookie? Shut the fuck up, trash rat." Remus began to cackle in such a tone that would make any Disney villain green with envy.

Or with disgust.

Remus was an....

Interesting character, to say the least.

By that I mean you wouldn't be surprised if you happened to pass by Remus attempting to crawl into a sewer holding a mace for a self proclaimed, 'social experiment'.

You'd probably just be thankful Remus was someone else's problem for the day.

One event that always stuck out in Virgil's memory was during the second week he had known Remus. Where said man inquired about how to aquire organs without getting on any secret government watchlists. Thinking back, Virgil probably should've moved out a long time ago.

Across the room sitting at the very counter Remus was standing on was Logan, sipping his coffee and doing a crossword puzzle, completely unfazed by his surroundings.

Virgil was very thankful to have Logan as his other roommate. Logan was a very calm and collected mind which only really only came along when you need it the most.

And trust me, Virgil needed just that kind of person to deal with the maniac dancing on the counter.

He figured the universe evened out for that kinda thing.

For every wrong there is a right and whatnot.

For every batshit crazy lunatic, there's a level-headed therapist.

For ever murderer, a doctor.

For every Remus, a Logan.

Otherwise it just wouldn't be fair.

That theory did raise one or two questions in Virgil's mind. What if the murderer murdered the doctor? What if the therapist helped the lunatic? What if someday, Remus sang one too many dirty songs and Logan finally cracked?

It was a lot to think about, but all Virgil wanted at the current moment in time was a cup of coffee.

Virgil listened to the soft whirring of the coffee machine as it slowly poured his sweet nectar of staying awake. Unfortunately for him, Virgil was a little too eager for said nectar and grabbed the cup a second too fast, causing the scalding brown liquid to slosh out of the cup and onto his hand. Virgil yelped in pain and shot his burnt hand away, all while scowling at the evil coffee.

He forgave his coffee quickly though, deciding it was best not to wreck a relationship which he had been holding securely onto for the past few years and knew he would be unable to live without. Some would call their relationship toxic, with have one member so reliant on the other, but it's coffee, lighten up.

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