The Day That Started It All - Part Two - Prinxiety

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This was requested by FandomTrash257

Thanks for requesting! This idea was so cute! Hopefully it's what you meant!

Also, Roman has rhotacism (can't pronounce the letter R) as a child in this story. So when he says something with a W and it doesn't make sense, just replace it with an R. Btw, Roman calls Virgil Vee because he can't pronounce his name properly.


Virgil ran into class the next week and over to Roman.

"Guess what!" Virgil bounced up and down on the spot as Roman stroked his chin in thought.

"A dwagon witch is invading?" Virgil giggled and shook his head from side to side.

"No! Mr Logan is gonna be my Papa!" Roman's mouth fell open in shock and they both looked over at Patton and Logan talking (flirting *cough cough*) and smiling (blushing *cough cough cough*).

"Mr Logan is gonna be your Papa?!" Virgil nodded happily and Roman hummed in slight jealousy.

"Well, Mr Logan kissed my Dada at the park so they're gonna get married and we'll be a family!" Virgil held out his hands towards the sky and they both giggled.

"Kissing is gwoss!" Roman exclaimed and Virgil agreed with a nod.

"But I can dress fancy at their wedding!" Virgil beamed brightly and jumped in excitement.

"I want to go to a wedding! It sounds weally fun!" Roman imagined the perfect wedding for a second before getting an amazing idea.

"Vee! Will you mawwy me?!" Virgil held a hand over his mouth in shock at Roman.

"Yeah! But I need a ring!" Roman clapped happily and Virgil beamed at his 'fiance'.

"I'll get it!" Roman sped off towards the plastic jewelry box where Dee (Deceit) was standing. Virgil followed him and hugged Roman's arm once he got there.

"Can I get an engagement wing (lol engagement wing 😂) please?" Dee nodded and reached behind him to grab three plastic rings with little fake diamonds.

"I want that one!" Virgil's eyes glistened when he saw the third one that Dee has set down on the table in front of them.

"I'll take that one please!" Dee picked up the ring but pulled his hand back before handing it over.

"Can I be the marriage guy?!?" Dee asked excitedly while Roman and Virgil exchanged equally confused looks.

"What's that?" Roman bent his head to the side like a confused puppy while Dee explained.

"I stand up next to you at the wedding and ask you if you want to marry each other!" They nodded in understanding and once they let Dee be the 'marriage guy' he handed over the ring and two wedding rings for later.

"We should get mawwied duwing lunchtime so we can do it outside!" Roman placed the engagement ring on Virgil's finger and Virgil held it up to the sky proudly.

"YEAH! And we need to invite people too!" They ran off holding hands towards different people to invite them to the ceremony. They decided to invite Remus first.

"Wemus! I'm mawwying Vee!" Roman squealed and Remus turned to face them with a plastic bug in his hands.

"Are you're invited!" Virgil used his free hand to point at Remus's chest.

"Okay! Can I bring my pet bug?" Remus held the fake bug up to Virgil's face and Virgil smiled wide.

"Yep! Bugs are allowed!" Remus smiled from ear to ear and then out of nowhere, he randomly decided to fall to the floor and pretend to be dead.

Logicality and Prinxiety Short Stories And One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now