Secrets - Logicality

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Thank you FandomTrash257 for requesting this Oneshot!

Highschool Au

Tw: Physical and mental abuse, angst, eating disorder, self hate, swearing, alcoholic parent, alcohol, self harm, blood, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts.

Please tell me if I missed anything.


Logan walked in through the school doors and took a deep breath.

Just get through the day.

Take it one step at a time.

He took another calming breath and walked over to his locker to switch his books.

He kept his head down and didn't make eye contact to avoid the attention of bullies.

Keep your head down.

Don't get noticed.

He got out his English, Geography and Music books and placed them in is bag.

Pretend you're good enough.

Pretend to fit in.

He hauled his schoolbag onto his back and made his way to class. He made sure to go out of his way and go through halls where more teachers patrolled resulting in less bullies hanging around.

The truth was that Logan didn't care about bullies, anything they did already happened at home so it didn't affect him at all. He just couldn't afford being late to class and getting in trouble. If he got detention who knows what his mom would do.

He pushed open the door and walked into English class. Most of the students were shouting and on their phones since the teacher hadn't arrived yet. Logan sighed quietly to himself and took his seat in the middle of the room.

Logan got out his Science textbook and began studying because of how his mom reacted when he got an A- on the last test.

The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenate-

He looked up when he noticed his friend take the seat beside him.

No. Not a friend. Friends are a distraction.

"Heya Lo!" Patton threw his bag under the desk and began pulling out his English books.

"Salutations Patton." Logan waved slightly and went back to studying.

"Are you studying for the Science test? That's like a month away!"

"All the better reason to study now Patton." Logan didn't tear his attention away from his book while speaking.

The bronchial arteries supply nutri-

"Do you think Ms O'Brien is sick? She's never this late." Patton nudged Logan's shoulder but Logan didn't turn to face him.

Friends are a distraction.

Cut them out.

Patton is a distraction.

"Logan? You okay there?" Logan exahled sharply.

"Yes Patton I am fine." He snapped and Patton flinched slightly at the sudden outburst.

"O-okay Lo, if you say so..." Patton took on the tone of a hurt puppy and Logan felt a gaping pit grow in his stomach.

The monster's words echoed across his mind.

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