Memories - Logicality

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Tw: Angst, suicide, death.

Please tell me if I missed any.


You guys are amazing!

Human Au

Patton remembered the first time he ever saw him.


Logan was eating his lunch at the two person table in the library. It was silent and he liked it. He hated all of the noise and food thrown in the cafeteria.

Patton had spotted the lonely looking boy and decided to join him for lunch. Patton walked over and beamed at him.

"Hiya! I'm Patton!" Patton waved and the quiet boy waved back.

"My name is Logan."

"May I join you for lunch?"


Patton grinned brightly at the other and took the other seat across from him. He took out his peanut butter and jelly sandwich from his schoolbag and began eating it.

Then sat mostly in silence, but it was comfortable. It was sort of like and old couple that have been together for so long that they no longer need to talk verbally to have a conversation. It was odd...

But also nice.

Every day after that Patton would join Logan for lunch and they ended up growing extremely close.

They would talk about all sort of things like space, school, home, hobbies and more.

They loved being in each other's company. It was refreshing. Patton could've sat there and listened to Logan's calm and formal voice talk about anything under the sun for hours on end without ever growing bored of it.

They were each other's crutch to get through the hard times. Fighting bullies, homophobic parents, fake friends, everything. They were the perfect pair.

They of course grew feelings for each other and eventually confessed.

They were sitting under the biggest willow tree in the local park one day, sitting with a large cotton blanket beneath them and talking about nothing in particular when Logan stopped what he was saying.

"Patton I recently realised that I-I l-like you. N-not a-as a friend. I-I m-mean I obviously like you as a friend because you're an amazing person but I also l-like y-you in a romantic sense." Logan was going to continue rambling but was stopped by Patton pulling him into a deep kiss that entranced them both.

It was sweet, it was passionate, it was loving, it was everything they had both been wanting for a long time.

They continued dating through highschool and ignored the people attempting to put them down.

Patton was as happy as he had ever been in his entire life and so was Logan.

They had each other, so life was perfect.

After highschool Patton decided to not go to college and to open up his very own bakery instead. Logan went away to a very prestigious college about an two hours away.

It didn't separate them though. Patton was extremely willing to take the train to see Logan and vise versa. They had talked about college in highschool and what they were planning to do so everything was great.

Patton's bakery started doing extremely well and they were making a good life for themselves. Logan was almost finished college and was going to be a lawyer.

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