Heros and Villains - Prinxiety

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Hero vs Villain au

This was requested by JazmineTheRainwing

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Here's a list of their powers.

Roman: Super speed and super strength.

Virgil: Invisibility and teleportation.

Patton: Talking to animals, phasing and healing any non-fatal wounds.

Logan: Shapeshifting and telekinesis.


Logan and Roman (or Logic and Prince) bolted across the main hall of the bank. They turned a corner and stopped to take a breath.

"Where do we go now?" Roman turned to Logan who was checking to see if there was anyone around. After seeing nobody he faced Roman and spoke in a hushed voice.

"We're going to the vault. You are going to go in and get the money while I stay outside and fight off anyone who comes." Logan explained carefully while Roman's face scrunched up in realisation and looked up at Logan.

"What! Why do I have to go in the vault?!" He almost stomped his foot before stopping himself and Logan rolled his eyes at the childish behavior.

"Because I'm in charge of getaway and I'll be ready to get you out of there." Logan checked once again for anyone around as he grew more impatient.

"So you get the easy job?" Logan clenched his fist in frustration before calming himself and speaking.

"First of all, I'm better at getaway and guarding. Also there's a good chance that Anxiety will show up in the vault to stop you and that Morality will face me, which seems to work better for us." Roman huffed in annoyance that his accomplice was correct and nodded in agreement.

They made their way down the deserted hall and looked for any signs of heros showing up to stop them.

"Remind me why we're doing this again?" Roman muttered to Logan who sighed quietly as they continued towards the vault.

"Because I need funding for my lab to actually do something worth my time and you probably want something childish or to see Anxiety again." Logan didn't even look at Roman as he spoke which was good since Roman's face put the sash on his chest to shame. He chose not to say anything back since talking would raise the chance of being found and definitely not because he was too flustered to speak.

By the time Roman's face had returned to it's normal colour, they were at the vault.

Logan looked to his accomplice and whispered.

"I'm going down the west hallway to stand guard, when you get out with the money go down that way and find me to escape." Roman nodded strongly in understanding and Logan walked off in the direction he had pointed to. Logan stopped to turn around and say one last thing.

"The alarm will go off once you get in so be fast. Don't forget, west hall." He spoke in a warning tone and took off down the west hall to stand guard.

Roman took a deep breath and excepted his fate. He looked at the big door in front of him and remembered Logan's words from yesterday.

I will have unlocked the vault before we get there so all we have to do is grab the money and go. We'll have to be quick about it because the alarm will alert heros to come to the scene as soon as possible.

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