Prom Night - Prinxiety

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Virgil was freaking out.

He was in the bathroom at prom and wanted to be anywhere other than where he was.

Why did it have to be so hard for him to go out into a crowd of people in a fancy outfit like everyone else?

Everyone else seemed to be having fun, so why couldn't he?

He sank down against the wall, swarmed in his own self hatred when he heard the door creak open and a figure quickly enter with frantic steps. They exhaled sharply and locked the door behind them.


He had forgotten to lock the door when he went there to panic. He looked over at the other figure, who he had now noticed to be wearing a fancy red jacket, red trousers, a white shirt and a black tie with some golden stripes across it.

It was only now that the other teenager noticed that he wasn't alone in the bathroom, seeing the shorter boy dressed in a purple suit, black shirt and purple tie sitting against the opposite wall.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't notice there was somebody in here! I just came in to get away from..." He gestured his head to the locked door. "Ya know." His sentence was met with a nod coming from the one dressed in purple.

"Yeah.. I do." He said, looking at the tiles on the floor.

"Yeah teenage drama is a lot... I'll leave. I'm sorry to bother you." The taller male got up to leave when something strange hit the emo that made him say something he didn't expect to say.

"No... You can stay.. If you want, I mean... You don't have to... You can leave, but I would mind if you stayed..." Virgil mentally cursing himself for saying anything at all.

"Thanks... I really don't feel like going back out there, even if it is just to find another bathroom." He said, making the other smile a little knowing he wasn't alone.

It was only now that Virgil looked up from the ground to see the who was actually in front of him.

Roman Prince?

He's one of the most popular guys in school!

Why would a popular guy like that want to spend his prom in the bathroom with him?

Virgil decided to put his mind at ease and just ask.

"So what brings the most popular guy in school to the bathroom on the biggest night of the year?" He asked in a slight sarcastic tone so he didn't come across as actually concerned.

"Yeah well, all of my what I thought were friends came with dates and kinda ditched me at the door... Then the one friend I do have is being asked to dance by the guy I always catch him staring at, but he's too dense to notice. He might have the best grades in school, but he's not so great at the whole emotions and seeing when people are hinting that they want to dance things." He explained with a very tired voice, causing Virgil to let out a snort of laughter. Roman tilted his head to the side in confusion at the sudden outburst.

"That by any chance Logan Woods and Patton Sanders?" Virgil asked, holding back a laugh that was fighting to escape his lips.

"Yeah... How'd you know?" Roman was very confused at how this boy he met in the bathroom at prom, somehow knew his best friend.

"Patton is my best friend and him asking Logan to dance and Logan repeatedly not noticing is one of many reasons I came to the bathroom in the first place."

"Oh okay that makes sense..." Roman nodded as everything started to click into place in his mind.

"So... You've made it clear that you know my name already, may I ask... What's yours?" Roman asked the cu- dark boy opposite him.

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