Betrayal - Logicality

459 18 81

Highschool au

Tw: Swearing.

Logan stared at himself in the mirror for a moment before he had to go catch the bus.

He was a bad person.

Or so he thought at least.

Logan had a problem that was very hard to ignore but he had to if he didn't want to risk losing one of the most important things in his life.

He let out a large sigh of self loathing and walked out the door of his room into the hall.

"I'm going to take the bus to school!" He yelled across the house and heard a mumble of reply from his Mum.

He strolled down the road and stared at his shoes. He stopped at the sad excuse for a bus stop right beside a dumpster and just thought to himself as the cars flew by and he waited for the bus.

After a few minutes it finally came and he flashed his bus pass to the driver as he was let on. He trudged to the far back of the vehicle and sat beside his best friend of eight years.

"What's up Lo? You look depressed." Roman asked with concern but Logan simply nodded his head slightly in response and took out a book.

"I'm fine." He said as he moved all of his attention the the book in for my of him.

"If you say so..." Roman replied, knowing full well that there was no forcing Logan to talk about his feelings.

After a painfully quiet ride the bus came to a sudden halt and the pair got off.

The walked again in silence into the school. Their lockers were right beside each other so Logan could see his best friend's boyfriend approach and hug Roman from behind.

"Hey Princey, hey Logan." Virgil said with a tired yet excited-to-see-my-boyfriend-but-mondays-still-suck kind of tone.

"Hello my emo nightmare." Roman said and interlocked his hand with Virgil's and lightly kissed him on it.

"Salutations Virgil." Logan said, tired of the couple's affection. He went to walk away but this time it was him that got hugged from behind.

"Heya Lo!"

Enter- Logan's current dilemma.

He thought he was safe today since he hadn't seen him on the bus but maybe he just missed it? No that didn't make much sense...

"Salutations Patton." Logan said as Patton released him and Logan turned around to face him.

Patton Sanders.

Even the words brought a fluttery feeling to his stomach.

Logan has had a massive crush on the boy for five years now.

The main problem?

Patton Sanders.....

The sixteen year old brother of the seventeen year old Roman Sanders.

His best friend.

He was in love with the brother of his best friend.

Twelve years old~~~Five years ago

Logan and Roman sat cross legged in their secret den. Also known as Roman's treehouse.

Logan was reading a book about butterflies as Roman sat in thought.

There was a knock at the treehouse door that knocked them both out of their silence.

"Who's that? They could be evil!" Roman asked Logan who simply shrugged in response.

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