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(Read author's note at the end, pretty please x, T)

Dido - Here with Me

It had always been my dream to work in a company that manages all sorts of different events. Nothing is more exciting, and nothing quite keeps you on the edge of your seat, as working with such a variety of personalities. I've only been interning at 'L.J.P. Events' for half a year and have thus far been included in producing three concerts, one political rally and four book signings. It's proven itself quite difficult to understand exactly how I got to where I am now, but the story is as follows... I majored in political science in college, ultimately wanting to just do some good in this world. That took me on a number of paths, from wanting to work in campaigns all the way to the idea of an academic career. All of those paths were abruptly brought to a halt when I tried out production work. Managing an event from start to finish, whatever type of event it may be, brought me more joy than spending a lifetime teaching to uninterested students ever could. Getting a clean notebook, with just the client's name in it, being forced to think outside the box on numerous occasions was, and still continues to be, the best thing that ever happened to me. There's nothing like it, nothing like that constant push to revamp an event and make it more spectacular than it ever could be. We've managed to bring political rallies to a whole new level, just by removing the podium that separates the candidate from the rest of the regular world and by sharing the livestream for free, on all platforms. We organized a fundraiser for the best possible cause – education – and managed to convince rich men they were there to have fun instead of having them focus on how much money they'd just given us. We pitched the best technology known to humankind and got the job of producing the concert of my favorite rock group – U2. To say that this was a dream job would be the understatement of the century, considering I could never dream up a job as exciting and fulfilling as this one.

The only downside of this job was the location – Washington DC, United States of America. For a family oriented person, such as myself, having to move across the world was the hardest decision I ever had to make. Especially today, on Christmas Eve. For twenty three years I spent Christmas Eves with my parents and my dog, decorating the tree and watching Love Actually, waiting for midnight to roll around. My parents had planned to join me in DC this Christmas, but some work thing came up for my dad last minute, and they had to cancel. Luckily, working in a company that employed so many foreigners meant that there were more people that had no family to spend Christmas with, so we ended up being invited to the company Christmas Eve Ball. The ball was just a fancy excuse to get drunk and schmooze potential new clients. Everybody that was somebody and had nowhere to go during the holidays was invited. Granted, most of the people at the event were my colleagues (which I spent 40 plus hours a week with), but at least I didn't have to organize the event myself.

"Happy Christmas, honey!", my mom finally turned the camera to face her and dad, after spending almost twenty minutes of our video call showing me my sleeping dog. It was midnight in Croatia, and they finished watching Love Actually as we talked. I missed being able to curl up on the couch next to them more than anything. Instead of a quiet night in, I was putting on a red dress and touching up my makeup, ready to head out the door, be merry and celebrate the holiday season with a bunch of misfits in this crazily large town.

"I love you guys and am so sad that you couldn't make it. DC is actually really pretty come Christmastime. Alright. Have a good night!", I waved goodbye as a car pulled up to the parking lot outside my building. Thankfully I could afford ordering a fancy black car to drive me to the event, because heels mixed with public transport would have surely been a nightmare.

'I am on my way, don't do too much damage before I get there!', I texted Josh, my coworker, who, unlike me, had no family to spend Christmas with. He was the first person I met in the company. On my first day he managed to introduce himself by spilling a cup of steaming coffee over my freshly-ironed white button up shirt. He then proceeded to apologize profusely, and I gladly accepted his 'let me buy you a very apologetic drink' invitation, thinking he was quite good looking. Unfortunately, there was no chemistry between us, and that drink was (just) the start of a beautiful friendship.

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