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U2: Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own

We pulled up to a long driveway at the end of which stood a modern mansion. It wasn't actually that gigantic, I'd just never been close to a house this big before. The front of it was dark brick, and every floor out of the three had minimalist black windows that seemed tinted, for privacy reasons, I assumed. We pressed the buzzer at the first gate and the doors soon started opening up, allowing us a look into the front yard – a couple trees with a hammock tied between them, green grass and comfortable lighting coming from the inside. The large front door opened soon and revealed a smiling Harry, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and some tracksuit bottoms. A weird choice, I thought.

"Come on, superstars! Get in, I've got pizza and really good wine waiting.", he shook Josh's hand and hugged me, rubbing the small of my back for a millisecond, as if to tell me that he was very happy to see me again.

"Your place is wonderful, I didn't think it would feel like a home looking at it from the outside, but I was wrong.", Josh followed our host through a wide hallway-foyer, into the open plan living-dining-kitchen area. The place was nicely decorated, a perfect combination of modern and classic. A black traditional-style kitchen with white counter tops and an island to die for was on our right, followed by a big industrial looking dining table with mismatched chairs that overlooked the comfortable living room. Two couches and a loveseat, with a tan rug and a coffee table in the middle, with views of the Hills through the large industrial ceiling to floor sliding doors. I turned around and noticed that it was definitely visible an artist lived here, from the records scattered over the dining table, to the signed vintage posters of The Beatles and the Rolling Stones that drew attention to the walls next to the stairs. There was a lone guitar placed on the loveseat, as if he'd been writing music just before we disrupted his evening.

"I have to say, when I saw your picture with Bernie and then opened Twitter to see it absolutely buzzing from the rally projections, I knew this had to be you guys.", he sat on the couch next to me, with his legs tucked beneath his body, while Josh got comfortable opposite us.

"Hey, it was all her! I had nothing to do with the projections. This brilliant mind of hers doesn't need a chaperone.", he joked, and I could feel my cheeks getting redder and hotter by the second.

"That's not entirely true, Josh. If I didn't have you making sure the rally was going smoothly, I wouldn't have had anything to project. Besides, it's not that big of a deal.", my mind started downplaying our efforts, not wanting to sound too proud of our work, of my work. Humility would always remain my one strength and weakness.

"I'd never seen anyone do it like that! I reckon I'm going to start seeing concerts and more events projected like that around the world.", Harry didn't want to let me off the hook, and I was grateful that he allowed me to remain humble while still complimenting me for a job well done.

The boys were on the terrace while I stayed back to clean up our plates and get rid of the evidence of fast food in Harry's kitchen. They really hit it off, those two. I mean, we all kind of fit well together as a group, but I was happy to see that Harry wanted to get to know Josh as well. It made it easier for me to hide my natural attraction to his being. Let's be honest, what's not to like? He's attractive physically, with his toned and lean body, countless tattoos, his curls framing his face in the nicest way possible and those infamous dimples coming out of hiding every now and again. What's more surprising, although I always imagined him as kind and funny, his personality was incredibly attractive as well. His jokes came naturally, he managed to charm the pants off me and Josh and I was happy to have gotten the opportunity to know him.

After straightening up a bit, I noticed his record collection. Something I was very jealous of. Everything from Metallica to The Beatles, my finger grazing over Fleetwood Mac and Ariana Grande, that stood on a large shelving unit in his living room. I rummaged around, and without hoping stumbled upon a U2 '18 singles' record. Picking it up carefully I made my way to the two men that didn't seem to notice me at first. Harry laughed at something Josh said and as I got closer, I caught his attention.

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