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Blondie: Call Me

A/N: happy international women's day 🌹❤️ and also thank you for 7k! I truly believe thst we can transform the world into a safe and inspiring environment for women... by writing about strong women, by singing about strong women, by surrounding ourselves with people that believe in strong women and by being strong women!


"Harry... wake up. I gotta go to work, but you can stay here and sleep for as long as you like. Call Niall after you wake up and tell him we'll be at Mahiki around nine, okay?", I tried shaking him awake, just for a split second so he'd comprehend what I was saying. Just as I was about to give up he opened one of his eyes, followed by rubbing them both very violently, he blinked a couple of times.

"What time is it? Gosh, too early. Yes... Niall... right... I'll call him.", he wouldn't, which is why I made post-it notes and taped them all the way from the bedroom to the coffee maker, knowing that would be the only way for him to remember. He doesn't really wake up until he has half of his coffee, at least.

"I love you.", he looked up at me from the bed and I spun around to see the angelic sight of him falling into a peaceful sleep once more, whispering that I did too. We were back to our little routine of staying in and enjoying being in each other's arms, but we'd decided to take a healthy break from our safe spaces and go out with friends. Niall still hasn't been brought up to speed on Harry and I. The initial idea was to surprise him tonight, but that can only happen if Harry keeps his mouth shut when he calls him.

Work is still pretty uneventful, I spent the entire day writing up proposals and applying for government grants, which I'm getting tired of. I miss doing something, anything, any event would be good right now. We've not had a single new client in weeks and it doesn't seem likely that somebody will walk in and request our services. Rodney says it's fine and I believe he knows what he's doing but it still feels bland. Around lunch I decided to call Harry, just to see if he did what I asked him to do, and to wake him up if he was still asleep in my bed.

"Love, have you woken up properly?", I hear him chewing on the other side of the line, which means he's been up for some time.

"Yeah, Niall and I have gone for a workout and we're having lunch now, teacup. Before you ask, I've already reserved a table for tonight and everyone's joining us."

"Good. I'll see you later, then. I love you.", shit, as I said it I knew I shouldn't have, because Harry will say it back and ruin the surprise.

"See you later, teacup. And I love you.", we can consider the surprise officially ruined, but I guess there are worse things in life than Niall knowing we're back together before we tell him ourselves.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"See you later, teacup. And I love you.", Niall put his hand above his chin and looked at me knowingly, after I hung up with teacup. Shit. I've done the only thing she asked me not to... Well, at least I had something to tell, and frankly it was her fault for saying it in the first place. She knows I have to say it back, now that I finally have the chance to do so freely, without fear of rejection.

"You love each other. Interesting. I guess that means my role of love coach really paid off.", I almost spit out my post boxing smoothie when he called himself a love coach.

"That's pushing it a bit too far mate, innit? But yes, we're back together and it was actually teacup that said 'I love you' first. Granted, it slipped out, but I took it and ran with it.", he seemed amused when I told him the doorbell story.

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