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One Direction: I Want to Write You a Song

Five days later we were officially moved in... the house was still a mess but we had the essentials. Gemma and Anne took Kaya for a few days, which she obviously loved, while Harry and I stayed back and unpacked all the boxes. You only realize how much shit you have when it the moment comes for every item to go through your hands and to a shelf, in a cupboard or on a hanger.

"I never want to move, ever again.", he plumped down next to me on the sofa, handing me a beer. Beer was a necessity and the first item we stocked our fridge with.

"Me neither. I can't imagine doing all of this any time soon. Thanks for the beer, love.", the TV wasn't connected yet so we didn't have much to do, but I think the quiet was a welcome change.

"Hey teacup?", I turned to face him, "Hm?".

"Marry me?", my brows furrowed as I attempted to read his face. He was serious, that much was evident. We hadn't broached the topic of marriage since Josh and Alyssa were in London two Decembers ago. I always thought he didn't mind that we weren't married... to me it was a silly piece of paper that couldn't mean more than all of our kisses, hugs, challenging obstacles overcome or parenting wins do.

"What?", maybe I misheard him.

"Let's get married.", okay, so I hadn't misheard him. He really is suggesting we get married.

"Why?", it sounded wrong and I knew it the moment it came out, but I also knew Harry would understand what I meant by it.

"Because, we love each other, we live together and have a child, I think it's safe to say we can take on all hard times and kick their arse by this point. And I want to, I really want to.", he was fairly calm, which was a good thing. It helped me see this as a conversation, something we could discuss and figure out together.

"I guess you're right. But we're fine the way we are now, aren't we?"

"Of course we are. I just want to have a party, invite our friends, dance, see you in a beautiful dress, celebrate our success as a couple and have a special day dedicated to our love.", what he was saying made sense, but since we'd never even mentioned marriage before, it kind of caught me off guard.

"If that's what you really want then okay, let's get married.", one of his cheekiest smiles made an appearance and suddenly it all clicked. A light-bulb appeared over my head.

"Harry Styles, was this your way of proposing to me because you know I despise grand gestures and being put on the spot?"

"Aha. I didn't even get you a ring because I know you hate flashy jewelry and you probably wouldn't wear it. I had this planned for weeks. You make things hard for your man. Normally I would've picked a nice moment with friends or family and I would've gotten down on one knee with a nice ring, said your full name and asked for your hand in marriage. But, it's not just anyone I'm proposing to... Let's be honest, you would've freaked out if I did this in front of anyone, you'd feel obligated to wear the ring and you wouldn't feel like you were in control... you'd feel like I was the one that decided it and you had two choices: yes or no. That's not how I wanted this to go, so I switched things around a bit.", I couldn't stop shaking my head and smiling to myself. Everything he said was true: I'd dislike not being in control, I hate being put on the spot with big decisions, I don't want an engagement ring because I find them flashy, distracting and very inconvenient, and if I just think about him proposing to me in a restaurant or even in our home but in front of other people I start feeling anxious... The man knew me better than anyone and almost as good as I knew myself.

"I love you! I really, really, really truly love you, Harry. Thank you for knowing me the way you do, predicting and preventing any and all freak-outs by including me in the entire thing and not just the 'yes or no' part.", my arms wrapped around him and I sat on his lap for a good ten minutes, showering him with kisses and earning a ton of giggles in return.

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