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The Rascals: A Beautiful Morning

Harry wanted to tell the band right away, but I managed to convince him to keep quiet until we talk to Jeff first. He was the manager, after all, and he had the right to know what was happening in Harry's private life if it could affect his professional one. We still hadn't really talked about what'll happen after Blob becomes human, but I was surprisingly okay with it. For a master planner and list maker such as myself, it was odd that I didn't feel the need to instantly plan my life for the next few months, or even years. I kind of understood that this change would result in me having to give up some of the control I had over my life, whether I liked it or not.

"Hey lovebugs, are you happy to finally be together?", Sarah walked up to us as soon as we appeared at the O2 arena. The one thing I was thankful for in all of this was that Harry's band was equally split in women and men, so I'd always have females supporting me.

"Hell yes! It's been an exciting day and a half, to say the least.", I tugged on his hand a little, reminding him we still needed to talk to Jeff before spilling the beans to the rest.

"Hey, have you seen Jeff?", Sarah pointed to the backstage area and we walked over, hoping for the best.

"Jeff mate, sit down, there's something we'd like to tell you.", Harry made room on the sofa in the greenroom and all three of us sat down. Jeff was a bit confused as to why he needed to be sitting for whatever news we had, because people only asked you to brace yourself when they had bad news.

"Guys, you're scaring me... is everything okay?", his manager asked.

"Yes, don't worry. It's just that we wanted to share some really awesome news with you. We're gonna have a baby!", it was obvious Jeff didn't expect that to be our news, he looked at us a bit funny, processing.

"Wait, like now? You're currently pregnant?"

"Yeah, right now. Teacup is about two months along. She'll join us on tour for a month, I don't want her to stay alone here in London, and then we'll just wing it from there. The baby's gonna get here in April of next year, so we've got plenty of time to make a general plan of action, plan out paternity leave and figure out how we'll work after my life changes.", I was so thankful for him, and for the paternity leave he'd be taking but it still frightened me that his career could suffer from this. It was most unfair that musicians lose a part of their audience when they start a family, even though I understand why it happens. Young girls stop obsessing over them once they realize their idol isn't as obtainable anymore. I just wished it weren't like that.

"Sure, we can talk about it more this week, you've got to do soundcheck now, but congratulations you guys!", he came and hugged us both and then Harry was swept away by stage hands and sound people. I was very lucky Rodney was so supportive of the news, as was Jeff. We came to an agreement that I'd handle the administrative stuff from home or wherever I was and I'd come back around November to help out with the Christmas stuff. I wouldn't have to work after mid-January, except little things that I could easily do from my bed.

The following weeks were a blur of sicknesses - car, plane, train, bus, morning... and a lot of support from Harry's band and team. They all had our backs, doing little things like ordering room service for us, buying packs of ginger ale to help with my nausea, not partying out of solidarity. I was thirteen weeks when I got back to London, mainly because I had an OB appointment, but also because I was sick of travelling all the time and wanted to relax and take it easy at home. Harry wasn't keen on us being apart, but Jeff planned out four days in between different shows during which he could come to London and spend time with me. Gemma planned us a gender reveal party on October 10th, today, at our place. Her and Anne came up with nursery ideas, signed me up for birthing classes and went to my checkups when Harry couldn't. Josh was still kept in the dark, I wanted to surprise him in December, when he and Alyssa would come to London for the holidays. It was a nightmare avoiding video calls so he wouldn't see my face or belly, not sharing what was happening in real time, staying inside so the press didn't get ahold of the story. Well, the last part was kind of necessary, it didn't have anything to do with Josh finding out. Harry was very clear when he said he wouldn't have the tabloids and photographers bothering us during this time, there were two guards around his house at all times, I didn't go out much, besides having lunch with Gemma or Anne every now and again. People mainly came over to the house if they wanted to see me, but I was aware we couldn't keep the secret forever. We were prepared for this part, the thing we weren't prepared for was what would happen after birth. It wouldn't be just our lives out there for the world to read about and judge, it'd be Blob's life as well.

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