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Kelsy Karter: Harry 


The day of the concert. I was extremely nervous and it wasn't even a show I was producing. When I woke up, Harry was still asleep which gave me a good hour to have coffee and go over my enormous tour plan once more. For each event I produced, I always had a whole folder with all of the information, excel tables, power point presentations, schematics and contracts. My Coldplay tour folder was overflowing with methodical and carefully curated tables and plans and going over everything made me feel more prepared. Rationally, I knew that we were as ready as we could ever be and whatever could go wrong would most definitely not be our fault. That being said, I still had nightmares about key components of the stage missing for the first concert and the camera guys getting stuck on a mountain in a snow storm... it was May and we were in California.

"Good morning, love.", a groggy Harry made his way down the stairs and towards me, kissing me on the head and reaching for my cup of coffee, "What are you doing up so early, it's barely eight in the morning".

"Styles, this is your last warning – step away from my coffee and get your own.", I yanked the cup away from his grasp, pointing at the whole pot I brewed not even an hour ago, "I couldn't sleep... feeling nervous and unprepared. Why are you up?".

"Well... I didn't plan on getting up but I reached for you and noticed your side of the bed empty so I got up to be with you.", I think he was most candid and honest right after waking up, as if the good slumber removed all filters in his brain and he just spoke his mind. I got up from my chair and sat in his lap, slinging one arm around his shoulders.

"These are the last few hours we have together before it gets crazy, how do you want to spend them?", as soon as I asked he started wiggling his eyebrows and his hand moved down my tummy.

"Can we at least have breakfast first?", I rolled my eyes at his eagerness, secretly hoping he'd see right through my act, throw me over his shoulder and carry me back to bed.

"Teacup, since when do you have breakfast before building up an appetite first?!", he made a good point and I decided to play with his mind before giving in to him. Getting up from his lap I started taking my pajamas off, piece by piece and leading him to the pool. He caught up fairly quickly and pulled me into him, right before I was able to take off my tee.

"Woah, easy there. Don't you at least want to get inside the pool before getting inside me and giving your neighbors free porn?", he buried his face in my neck, breathing down it slowly and driving my insides crazy. His lips kissed the delicate skin below my ear while we stumbled over to the pool. I fiddled with his silk button up pajamas and mentally cursed him for sleeping in something that was so hard to get off. My t-shirt was still on when we got into the water, Harry sat on the little bench and pulled me onto his lap. The wet fabric of my shirt made a little circle around my torso and he wasted no time, stripping me naked.

"Man you're beautiful.", the mixture of his vibrating voice, his tender touch and the chilly water covered my body in goosebumps as he continued leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, making his way to my chest. My breath caught in my throat when his lips covered my nipple. I reached down to his pants and he lifted his hips, allowing me to take them off easily. Foreplay was unnecessary since we were both as ready as we could be. Harry swiftly lowered me onto himself as he slid inside me. The movement was painfully slow but he knew what it would do to me. I grabbed the back of his head, crashing my lips with his and he sped his thrusts up, moving in and out with ease. Knowing that his neighbors could probably hear us if we got too loud, I tried suppressing my moans but failed miserably as he started rubbing my clit with one of his hands. There was virtually no friction since we were underwater, but his barely-there touch already had me going nearly over the edge.

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