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Dalida & Alain Delon: Paroles, Paroles

Harry got up before me, which was unusual, and made coffee. I found him at the dining table, with his glasses on and reading an actual newspaper.

"You get those delivered? In 2020?", he nodded, looking up from the paper and over to me – "Man, you might be perfect.".

"Did you sleep well, teacup?", he got up to pour me a cup of coffee, which I gladly took off his hands.

"I did. I've also thought a bit about this..."

"Before you say anything, I shouldn't have asked you to stay over last night, if you didn't plan on doing it.", it was really sweet to see him apologize, but there was no need. Having slept by his side, I had to admit I'd not felt calmer in a while, more decisive and enlightened in a way.

"What I was going to say... before you interrupted me, is that I think we should start dating.", he opened his eyes really big and turned his head to the side. I don't know if anything I'd ever said got him this confused. I could tell he wanted to be excited upon hearing this news, but something stopped him from fully believing in what he'd heard.

"You mean like you and me, or other people?"

"Of course you and me, idiot.", he sighed, appearing relieved.

"Oh thank God, for a second I thought you'd want to go on a date with someone else and it nearly killed me.", we were now both at the dining table, sharing the newspaper.

"It's not that I haven't been asked... but just that I'd rather date you.", as soon as I said it, he dropped the paper and took his glasses off.

"Who asked you?"

"A kid from work, but I turned him down, don't worry. I really think we're at that stage now where we can go on dates and do all that we missed out on the first time around. What we would've done if the circumstances had allowed it... movies, drinks, dinners, game nights, you name it.", Harry seemed really elated at my suggestion and I was honestly proud for taking a step in that direction. There was no point in torturing either of us with the constant 'would we/should we' dance.

"Does that mean I get to kiss you?", he moved closer, "Yeah, if the opportunity presents itself and if you think you can stop before we end up between the sheets.".

"Now, why would we ever want to stop? It's so much more fun between the sheets, don't you remember?", his wiggling eyebrows got me laughing, like so many times before. It was such a simple thing he did but I couldn't keep a straight face.

"Because we've already had sex and we know how good it is. What we haven't done is date. I think I'm free Tuesday, you pick where we go.", he wrote it down in his calendar, as if he'd forget. We had breakfast and kept alternating sections of the paper between us, commenting on certain news as we handed them back and forth.

For weeks I kept torturing myself, thinking that it would be too soon Harry and I got back together, my mind kept going back to the fact that almost everyone that goes back to their ex ends up heartbroken all over again. What really changed my perspective was that, during that dilemma, I thought a lot of about Anne's saying... it's never too soon or too late to do anything because no two relationships are the same. I may feel a certain way for Harry and what we have might work, but the same thing could end up being a terrible mistake for Niall or Josh. Harry and I were in a good place, we tried really hard to respect each other – he didn't force my emotions and I reminded myself to often tell him he did something right and how much I appreciated him. We seem to have learned from our past mistakes and I didn't see a reason why we shouldn't date. Dating is casual, it's carefree and maybe it can turn out to be really incredible when we've already gone through the awkward firsts: first time sleeping together, waking up together, your teeth hitting theirs when you kiss, fighting over stupid stuff... I was feeling oddly optimistic after saying it out loud. On my way home I stopped at Niall's, he lived a few houses down Harry's street.

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