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Stevie Nicks: The Edge of Seventeen

Harry got a message on his phone, after which he took my hand and led me out of the car to a back alley. It felt strange at first, but then I remembered that we couldn't really walk in with the rest of general admission and get our wristbands after waiting in line for half an hour.

"You figured it out, haven't you teacup?", he asked me once we got through about three sets of heavy steel doors. I couldn't lie to him.

"I spotted a billboard when we were still in the car. You did amazing with keeping the surprise a surprise, though. Thank you for making me feel special.", I pulled his right hand, that one that was leading me forward, and turned him around to face me. His eyes weren't enjoying this sort of attention, but I forced him to look at me anyway. He tried waving it off, which just ended in me hugging him so hard I was afraid his insides were going to burst. I held him for what felt like an hour, and finally let him go after brushing my hand against the base of his neck. A gesture almost undetectable to anyone but the two of us.

"Come on, I've got a bit more in store for you, love.", we sped through hallways and Harry seemed to know this space like the back of his hand. I remembered that their first big concert, the one that made them feel like they made it in the industry, was here – in Madison Square Garden. We finally reached a hallway that was swarming with people, unlike the ones we walked through before that had just a couple of stagehands and a lone guard here and there. Harry finally released my hand when we came to a stop in front of a backstage door.

"I know you've been to their concerts before, but the first one was ages ago and the last one you weren't able to enjoy fully because you were working. I also know you've met them, but I'm hoping this time remains etched in your memory as a special one.", he told me before knocking on the big door and opening it without waiting for a proper reply from the inside. He didn't really give me any time to thank him and assure him this was one of the nicest things anybody ever did for me.

There were about seven people in the room, and four of them were the well-known faces of Bono, The Edge, Adam and Larry. Bono turned to face us and a big smile formed on his face once he spotted Harry.

"Harry! Mate! Thank you so much for coming.", they hugged each other and all the attention was now on me.

"Thea? Is that you?", Bono Vox remembered me!!!

"I didn't think you'd remember; the concert was a while ago.", we hugged and he called the rest of the band over. I didn't get to meet all of them when they had a concert in Washington.

"How could I forget? Harry didn't really tell me who this surprise was for, but had I known it was you we were talking about I would've driven ya here myself. Lads, this is Thea, she worked our concert in DC and did a stellar job with the production of it. You know Harry already.", we shook hands politely and Edge told me how impressed he was with the DC gig. That right there was a dream come true. Screw the dreams you actually imagine happening – getting your dream job, finding your dream house, meeting your dream partner, having your dream wedding... those aren't really a surprise when they do happen because you sort of always expect them to. This was a dream that you never deemed possible, so you never really imagined it happening in real life.

We were escorted to the private VIP section that was to the right of the stage. It wasn't in the crowd but we could watch the entire concert from here. I couldn't stop wanting to hug Harry every minute of the concert. I sang and I screamed. He laughed, he screamed with me and took videos of my crazy devotion to performing some of the songs alongside U2. He asked a guard to take a picture of us, which will possibly be my favorite picture we ever take – he was standing behind me with one hand around my waist and we both had our tongues out, in the end he put his fedora on top of my head and we just ended up looking at each other and laughing. I don't remember ever feeling this kind of freedom and happiness with another person.

After a good two and a half hours of screaming my lungs out, the concert ended and it couldn't have come at a better time because I was about to drop to my knees out of exhaustion. We dropped in to say goodbye to the band before we'd head out and back to the hotel.

"Hey you two! Did you enjoy it?", Adam opened the door just as we were about to knock. Harry laughed at me trying to get my voice back just long enough to say something to the rockstars that stood in front of me.

"Well you can tell by teacup's voice that she had a good time and I have the videos to prove it.", he went to pull out his phone and I swatted at his hand before he got the chance to reach into his front pocket. All of them laughed at this and thanked us for coming, saying to call them personally if I ever wanted to attend another show or needed anything. I think the shock of it all was too much and it caused me to doze off on the ride back home. I woke up when we pulled over to the entrance to the hotel and saw Harry's smile just as I opened my eyes.

"Come on teacup, let's get you upstairs. Thanks for the ride, Garry, you take care mate.", he shook the driver's hand and in we went. As soon as we got to our room he turned on the kettle and proceeded to fix me a cup of warm tea with honey. Every time I tried to say something and my croaky voice came out, he shushed me and told me to wait for the tea to help my vocal cords come back to life.

"There you go, a cup of tea for my teacup.", he was absolutely right, because after a few sips I was able to talk again. My voice was hoarse and quiet, but it came back. I took off my makeup while Harry played 'The Edge of Seventeen' by Stevie Nicks on his guitar.

"Well I hear you in the morning...And I hear you...At nightfall...Sometime to be near you...Is to be unable... to hear you...My love... I'm a few years older than you...", Harry sang with ease. It wasn't until he got to the last verse that I stopped removing my makeup and really listened. I felt the emotion in his voice seeping through the lyrics, he wasn't aware I was watching him and for the first time since December, since we met, I asked myself – what do I want this man to mean to me? Who do I want him to be?


A/N: Didn't plan on updating tonight, but I just saw we got to #13 in Harry Styles, and that's big considering there aren't a lot of you reading this story (yet). Another Stevie Nicks song, I know my obsession with that woman is getting a bit out of hand (nothing new here...) but her music is so incredible! 

We're finally getting somewhere with this "friendship" of theirs... I can't wait for you guys to read what happens next.

TPWK, always.


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