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Harry Styles: Treat People With Kindness

Waking up to sunshine coming through the large windows, next to Harry, was what dreams are made of. Today was my last day in Los Angeles. How was it that just a week ago I was in DC, talking to Josh about my feelings (or lack thereof) but it feels like a lifetime ago? His breathing was deep and peaceful, his arm twisted beneath the pillow and his curls sprawled on top of it. I could spend hours watching him sleep and not get bored of it. Alas, I'd come to my senses since everyone always noticed when someone watched them while they were sleeping, and I didn't want to appear as a creep so I got up and started brewing coffee. I'd like to say that I was the type of person to go for a run in the morning, but Harry would probably have a heart attack if he woke up to me exercising, and I'd follow that up with a heart attack of my own.

"G'morning... Why are you up so early?", my favorite Harry, the just woken up one, walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He still had creases from his pillowcase on his right cheek and it was possibly the most adorable sight.

"I have to pack soon, my flight is at six in the afternoon.", neither of us liked to mention the fact I'd be leaving, but it was the reality. He groaned and nuzzled his face deeper into the crook of my neck.

"I don't want you to go."

"Oh baby, I don't want to go either but the world awaits.", I got him a cup of coffee and we opened the sliding glass doors to let the warm air in. I was going to miss this house, it felt like home. Maybe that was because Harry felt like home... but the house was nice too.

"What's your plan for when you get back to DC?", his voice was now more awake, but that didn't make him any less adorable.

"Josh will meet me at the airport and then we'll spend the rest of the night doing laundry and drinking wine."

"Josh is gay, right?", I almost spit my coffee out at the mention of Josh and gay in the same sentence.

"As straight as they get, why?", barely managing to suppress the fit of laughter threatening to come out, I asked him.

"I just assumed... he's the one friend you share everything with, he's a guy and I guess I stereotyped him. Sorry.", he sounded sincere, but I knew better.

"Harry Styles, you are not the person to stereotype anyone and you don't even label your own sexuality so stop lying and tell me the truth.", guilt apparent in his eyes, he looked to the floor.

"You're right. I feel a bit funny knowing he's into women and hanging out with you most of the time.", I knew I was right because Harry was an open book when it came to his thoughts, life views and emotions.

"You have nothing to worry about. Firstly, because I don't cheat. When I'm with you, you're the only one. If I ever feel like not being with you anymore, I will tell you and would never, under any circumstances betray your trust like that. Secondly, Josh and I went on a date when we first met and did not click romantically at all. We didn't even kiss, it was obvious to both of us from the first drink that we'd never be a good match."

"God, could you be any more perfect?", he flashed me one of his million dollar smiles and I felt my heart grow a size.

"I'm far from it. You said it yourself – treat people with kindness. I'm just trying to be the personification of your motto... Always be kind to the ones around you, even if what you're about to tell them is going to hurt them and you can't avoid them getting hurt, you have to be kind about it. You're only as pretty as you treat others.", it sounded quite cheesy, but it was my truth.

"I have a song with that title on the new album.", he dropped that piece of information in, like it was no big deal.

"Will I ever hear it?", I knew he was close to the release and just hopped that he'd let me hear the album before the rest of the world does. He was the king of dropping music unannounced, so the fans already knew they could expect the album anytime before the first concert.

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