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Bob Dylan: If You See Her Say Hello

A/N: a double update to say thank you for 4k😊 it means a lot to me and I'm very happy you're liking the story, it gets me more motivated to write when I see you interacting and reading ❤️

Thanks, enjoy this chapter!


The transition to London life wasn't easy, by any means. I was prepared for the rain and I was expecting to get lost on every corner, but I was so surprised by the difference in lifestyle here. My new boss Rodney was a lovely man; his firm very small but he had a lot of experience in the industry and I was really happy to be there from day one. It was certainly a challenge to help build a business from the ground up. We were currently working on a small event – an album listening party, for Calum Scott, an English singer signed with Capitol Records UK. Today's task was to go over to Capitol HQ in Kensington and meet with his manager, figure out what they'd want from this event.

"I finally found the building, Josh, I'm going to have to talk to you later, love you, bye!", I finished filming a voice message for Josh just as I walked into the lobby. I turned around to leave my wet umbrella by the door when someone slammed into me.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't loo...", a familiar figure appeared.

"Niall? Oh my god, hi! How are you?", we hugged quickly and he followed me to the reception where they told me my meeting wouldn't be for another hour.

"I've been great, but what the hell are ya doing in London? Let's grab a drink to pass the time.", we walked back onto the street and towards a small café just off Wrights Lane.

"I live in London now, as of a week ago, actually. I started working for a small production company and am just learning my way around here.", he ordered two lattes and hung our coats by the door.

"Harry didn't tell me anything when we last spoke, I was a bit surprised to bump into ya like that.", the subject I dreaded most reared its ugly head.

"Oh, that's because Harry and I aren't together anymore. Haven't been for a couple of months... It's normal he didn't tell you since he probably doesn't know either.", I was prepared for his follow up question about what happened and told him the general gist of the story without going into detail.

"You must come out with me and a couple of my mates for drinks tonight. Really low-key, we're meeting in a place called Mahiki on Dover Street, I'll text ya the exact location.", I protested and told him I was just getting settled into my flat and wanted a quiet Friday night in, but he wouldn't hear any of it, insisting that I meet them there at nine.

My meeting with Calum and his manager went fine, the listening party was basically just a formality since he really didn't have a large fan-base of young girls or women that would come to an event like this. They wanted a simple stage and comfortable chairs for journalists and employees of the label, there would be a couple of loudspeakers and a mixing station for their sound engineer. None of this required hard work and I was a bit frustrated that I took time out of my day to listen to their three demands. But, it was common when starting a new business and I knew what I signed up for. It would take Rodney, me and the rest of our small team some time to build up a client list and get to work major events. I got back to our office and shuffled through papers and files for the rest of the afternoon, trying to make the space look a bit more presentable than when I first walked in. Rodney was very good at his job, but he didn't feel the need to decorate and organize the office in a way I felt it should be organized. I took it upon myself to fix that.

'I'm in an Uber, on my way to the bar, text me when you get there', I shot Niall a quick text and we continued our half an hour drive from Wandsworth to Mayfair. The driver dropped me off on the corner of the street, by a Korean air company and I found the entrance to Mahiki fairly quickly. The club was very vibrant in colors and there was already a ton of people there. I spotted Niall and his friends sat at a table across from the bar.

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