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Louis Tomlinson: Walls

A/N: We just hit 1K so I wanted to update once more tonight, as a thank you to all of you that are reading this story. I've spent the past month writing so much and I have fallen absolutely in love with the characters in this tale. It would be really cool if you'd tell me what your favorite moments have been, so far or who your favorite character is :) (I know that as readers we often forget how much voting and engaging with the story means to the writer, I've been guilty of that type of forgetfulness more times than I can count haha). Thank you, once more! x, T


Five hours... Would I be able to wait that long before I could talk to Harry about his album? Do I just wait until the last hour of the flight and listen to it then? No, I was dying to hear his art. I knew he had finished more than half of the album by the time we met, but there was a part of it that was written after I appeared in his life, and he in mine. I wondered if I'd be able to notice my subtle influence in some of the lyrics, but immediately I felt bad for even thinking any of it would be about me. It felt elitist and wrong.

"Wine miss?", the flight attendant burst my bubble of thoughts. Nodding affirmatively, I popped my earbuds in and located the files to Harry's new album... Fine Line. Suddenly realizing that this was a way to learn more about him than he could ever tell me himself, I got nervous. These were his purest emotions, his most intimate thoughts and feelings about life, love and himself. Play. I was making little notes on my phone as I was listening, thinking Harry would appreciate hearing my first reactions upon listening to certain songs.

The wine must have knocked me out cold, because I was woken up by the pilot's voice announcing that we'd be ascending shortly. All of the passengers started getting up and collecting their things as soon as we hit the airstrip, which usually drove me insane but, this time, I found myself joining them. I don't really know why I was in such a rush to get off the plane and home as quick as possible... Josh was waiting at the exit and we hugged as if we hadn't seen each other in months, but in reality just a week went by since the last time we were together.

"This cross country thing is honestly so hard; I don't know how I'll manage not seeing you for the duration of your tour.", completely understanding the level of separation anxiety he was going through, I held his hand and followed him to the car park. It was hard enough not working together anymore, after getting so used to each other as work spouses it was terrifying missing him as a friend as well.

"Josh, please tell me you have wine somewhere in the back, because I've got stuff to tell you and it always goes down better with some chardonnay.", he immediately pointed to the back seat which housed two bottles of the Hartford Winery Sonoma Coast Chardonnay, our favorite kind.

"Let's separate the whites from the colors and pop that Hartford open.", we sat on the floor of my living room making piles of laundry and drinking wine out of plastic cups, because all of my fancy wine glasses were dirty... I missed having nights like these with Josh, almost ritualistic and most definitely therapeutic. He started chucking my dirty socks at me, trying to get me to start the story of the past week.

"Okay, stop throwing laundry at me you idiot! The Cliff notes version is that we're kind of together, don't even try getting me to say the word 'boyfriend' in correlation to Harry because it will not happen. It was emotional and messy at times, figuring out the tour schedules is something I never want to do again for as long as I live, he wrote a song about me and the sex is incredible.", my hands moved as fast as they could, making little mountains of dirty socks and underwear on the floor next to my feet.

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