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Ed Sheeran: Sofa

Lil' and I packed up our stuff end flew back to DC on Sunday evening, which was bittersweet for me. On the one hand I was excited to get back to work on Coldplay's tour, but on the other hand I loved spending every minute of the weekend with Harry and the thought of not being able to pop 'round his house after work was a bit devastating. I couldn't and shouldn't feel that way because my life is currently all over the map, and his is about to become even more hectic than it already is.

'Is it normal that I miss you already, but feel kind of strange about it since we haven't known each other that long? Teacup', I texted him after arriving at my apartment around midnight.

I unpacked my suitcase, surprising myself by doing so, since I usually always leave it hanging around my apartment for days after coming home from a trip. My mom was happy to hear that I got home safe and shared her plans to come visit me when the tour makes a stop in Italy. I wanted to tell her that it was still a while to go before we'd be in Europe but decided not to rain on her parade. We hadn't seen each other in forever, and to be honest I was missing her and Europe like crazy.

'My mum always tells me: Harry, if a relationship has substance it can never be 'too early' for missing someone. I miss you too. Get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow. x, H', Harry attached a photo that he took of me by the pool that very afternoon and I just kept thinking about his mother's words. Was it substance or the promise of substance that she was talking about?


Planning the tour was a bit different than I'd imagined but we had a lot of fun with it, Chris and me. He was very involved from the beginning wanting to be briefed on everything, from the kind of lights we were getting to the kind of screws we'd be using on the stage. My clients were usually the type to leave everything up to me, since that was why they hired a production company for their event. Chris wasn't like that and it took some getting used to. Josh and I made sure we had lunch together every day, we weren't sharing an office space anymore and both of us had projects that kept us busy and didn't leave us with much free time to hang out. I got a new assistant that would potentially be promoted to EP, Rafael. He was talented, but he lacked the spunk that I always looked for in people working events. You had to possess a certain extravagant trait to be able to think outside the box. He was very good at doing as he was told, but being an EP was more than following orders, it was about making executive decisions that would ultimately determine the entire event's vibe. Raf would get there eventually, I just wasn't sure I had the energy to mold him into an outstanding EP while handling Chris and the tour at the same time.

Harry was still in L.A., finishing up the album. He told me that he wouldn't play it for me until we were together in the same room, and I was really looking forward to that moment. Not because of the album, but because I missed not seeing him. He kept promising we'd see each other soon, but I couldn't drop everything and go to California at the moment, and I guess he was too busy to take a couple days off and visit me in DC.

I had gone out for drinks with Rafael and another new aspiring producer, after work. Josh was back at the office, putting finishing touches on their grand Smithsonian Museums event that would last a month and that kept squeezing all of his energy out. I wished he was able to go to the bar with us. Not that the guys weren't good company, but we simply didn't have an outside-of-work relationship.

"Thanks for the ride, Raf. I'll see you on Monday.", I said bye to Rafael and started walking towards the front door of my building when I saw someone sitting there. At first I got scared, thinking it was a homeless man that I'd have to fight off trying to get inside safely, but it turned out it was just a rockstar wearing a newsboy cap and freezing his butt off.

"Harry! What the hell are you doing in DC? You should've called me; I was out for drinks after work.", I ran to hug him and in that moment I felt the peace that hadn't been within me for a whole month.

"I forgot that spring nights in DC aren't like in Cali. I wanted to surprise you, teacup!", I fiddled with my keys and we finally managed to get to my apartment, me still scolding Harry for not telling me he was here, at least after landing.

"Get inside, the TV is there, the bathroom is down the hall.", I showed him around the small studio apartment I was so thankful to have, because a space to call your own was more than a lot of people had. The kettle went off, signaling that I could make us a cup of tea and find out why he really came. There was something fishy about this.

"Here you go, sugar. If you need more milk, you know where the fridge is.", we sat down on the sofa and warmed up with some Earl Grey.

"Tell me, what made you come to DC?", he gave me a look that said, 'are you daft?' and sipped on the hot beverage.

"I came to see you, obviously. I haven't booked a hotel, so I'm hoping you let me crash at yours", he motioned to his overnight bag that stood by the entrance.

"Of course, you're welcome here anytime!", we finished our tea and rinsed the cups before placing them in the dishwasher.

"The couch is pretty uncomfortable, so I suggest we share my bed, if it's okay with you.", Harry said he didn't mind as long as I didn't and we got ready for bed in a comfortable silence.

"Oh, by the way... we won't be staying here the whole time so pack your bag – we're going to New York tomorrow morning.", he told me after we got into bed and I swatted my right arm over his chest. I knew there was more to this visit than he let on. Harry chuckled asking what that was for and I sat up in my bed, giving him an annoyed look.

"You're lucky I don't have to work this weekend. And what will we be doing in New York?", my curiosity wasn't going to settle for just any answer.

"That's a surprise, teacup. You'll have to wait for tomorrow night to roll around."

I felt calm and happy that he was in my apartment, lying in the bed next to me just chatting about the past month and catching me up on the antics of his bandmates. It was so nice to have a friend that felt like home. 


A/N: HE'S IN DC!!!! I feel like all of my author's notes have the sentence "could you imagine" in them.... but... could you imagine coming home and having Harry wait for you on the steps of your building, wearing his little newsboy cap and being all cute? 

TPWK, always.

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