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It's been a while since I've opened up a new draft in Always you... Thank you for reading this story and engaging with its protagonists :) We've reached 50k reads on here and it makes me so happy. I hope you've found some fun through Always you, during these weird times. 

I've had to do a couple of things for uni, I've mourned all my travel plans and have slowly made peace with the fact I won't be seeing Harry in concert at the end of May. We'll be alright, I'm sure. It's been challenging, but I've found some comfort in writing. This new story is still very much in the works, I've only got a couple chapters done but I'd like to share a teaser with you and I'd very much appreciate if you'd tell me your thoughts. 


Essie, Estee Robinson, 25. She grew up shuffling between the US and the UK, given the fact that by age nine her parents had separated and then later divorced. Her dad, Mark Robinson, is a Brit that lives in London and has worked as a branch manager for the Lloyds Banking Group his entire life. Her mother, Leah Robinson, is a free-spirited American artist from Montpelier, Vermont. Essie spent the better part of each year with her mother in Vermont, and each summer and winter break she'd travel to London to be with her dad. Neither of her parents ever paid much attention to her, they both loved her but struggled to understand her inner workings. She was very free-spirited, much like her mother, but she was also extremely pragmatic and unusually calculated, like her dad. Having had no siblings and only a couple close friends, her mother always busy with her art and her dad spending every waking moment neck deep in some financial report meant she was usually on her own whether in London or Vermont. One of Essie's biggest passions was capturing the moment in which nobody was paying attention and achieving that connection with people that made them comfortable when faced with her camera lens. Essie grew up to become a successful freelance photographer, working for publications such as the Vogue, National Geographic, AnOther Magazine and many more. She worked on high fashion campaigns as well as on ground-breaking human rights stories throughout the Third world. Her anti-capitalistic nature never let her accept the money her father wanted to give her because he thought being a photographer was putting her livelihood in danger, eventually she managed to convince him to start a charitable foundation in her name instead. Essie's entire being was a riddle, always careful what to share with whom, always enigmatic and never giving too much of herself away.

Harry Styles, 26. There aren't many people on this planet that don't know his name. As glamorous as his life sounds – part of One Direction, teenage crooner, mysterious musician that achieved great success with his unique sound – he was often very confused about who he was and in a constant search for more. Unfortunately, he learned very early on that in order to stay sane he mustn't get too attached to anyone or anything. The only constants in his life were his family and a fistful of true friends. Because of the way he rose to stardom he had to make a distinction between his two personas, the private and public one. Publicly he was flamboyant and colourful, a true rockstar. Privately, he was a homebody and a romantic soul that found comfort in soulful music and meaningful books. Those two rarely met up. There was a part of him, however, that loved to create buzz and move the borders of normality for an inch or two. Nothing could ever bring him more joy than for people to accept who they were and stop being afraid of opinions. Harry was all too familiar with opinions and how much damage they could do... 

Chapter one teaser


"Well Tony if I'm late then I'm late. I'm not to blame, one of your assistants took my Fujifilm X-T30 to the studio and never returned it.", I didn't like doing shoots on Saturdays and much less on sunny ones that smelt of getting lost in unfamiliar parts of Los Angeles and taking photos of murals and odd characters passing by. All areas of Los Angeles were unfamiliar to me, to be completely honest... I had many gigs in this city over the years, but I rarely stayed long enough to get familiar with it.

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