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Niall Horan: Black And White

"We wanted to thank you for coming to our new home, it wouldn't be one without you! On that note, we'd like all of you to come back here on the 10th of July and be our wedding guests.", Harry raised his glass and we watched surprise color everyone's face.

"Wait, what?", you could always count on Gemma to ask the question everybody was dying to know the answer to.

"We are going to get married, here, July 10th, with all of you if you'll join us and a couple more people that aren't with us today.", the best way to approach big news with our group of people was to take it slow and stay calm. It did take them a while to process, but they had the tendency to start shooting questions at lightning speed so it was better to be prepared. Anne was the first to come and give us a both big hugs. She didn't say much at first but I could tell how happy this news made her.

"This is some incredible news! Congratulations! Of course we'll be here!", Niall was the next one to raise a glass to us and I felt really special in that moment. It was so nice to see all of our loved ones happy about the upcoming event. I realized what Harry meant when he said he wanted to have an 'us day', celebrating our love and throwing a party with those that mean the most to us.

"Have you started planning? Do you need any help?", Anne got excited after gathering her thoughts and normal conversation resumed.

"Mum, teacup is an events producer, I'm sure she's capable of planning her own wedding.", Harry started, but I shot him a look that made him stop in his tracks, "What your son means, Anne, is that I'd love your help and I have not yet started. Maybe you'd like to come over tomorrow and we could go over the main things together."

After everybody left and we managed to convince Kaya that all her toys would still be there in the morning, we were finally able to have a moment to ourselves.

"Hey, do you remember when Josh first asked us when we'd get married? When I was pregnant...", he nodded, "Did you want to get married earlier?"

"I wasn't opposed to it, but I could tell you weren't really keen on the idea so I didn't say anything.", I took his hand and wrapped it around my shoulders, pressing my body into his.

"You can always tell me what's going through your mind, Harry. I wasn't against us ever getting married, I just feel a lot of people do it because of the pressure society puts on them, and I didn't want that to be us. All relationships are about commitment and putting a ring on our fingers and signing a piece of paper can't solidify a commitment that never existed in the first place. That's why I'm casual about marriage. I don't want you to think it doesn't matter to me, because it does. The label 'married' can't change anything if two people aren't in love, I wanted us to label ourselves 'in love and fully committed' before we threw on the extra 'married' bit. Does that make sense?", Harry listened to my little monologue attentively, absorbing every word and trying to see my perspective.

"Teacup it's not that we don't see eye to eye on this, don't worry. In my mind it was about 'the right way to do things' more than it was about me believing we should've been married by the time Kaya arrived. I know I love you, with or without a ring on your finger. I just felt like the right time has come to have a little celebration and honor what we'd accomplished together."

"Okay. I just don't want you to think I never wanted to marry you or that I don't want to do it now. Glad we're on the same page."


"Kaya, can you go with Gran for a minute? Mommy really needs to help these nice men set up our garden, okay?", the little lady didn't understand that we were getting married today and it was hard to shuffle furniture around and organize the backyard with her in the way.

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