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LeAnn Rimes: Can't Fight The Moonlight 

"I measured the formula for you, it's by the microwave. Her favorite elephant toy is downstairs on the sofa, but there's a backup in our bedroom in case you misplace that one. So bath time is around seven, and then you go bottle-book-sleep by eight at the latest. If she fusses or starts driving you crazy you call us and we'll be back", Gemma came over to watch Kaya while Harry and I have a night out, "Do not listen to her, Gem. Don't call us unless it's an unmistakable emergency. Call Mum instead, she won't mind.".

Harry quite literally had to drag me out of the house and into the car, knowing I would have never left of my own accord. The thought of a night out excited me all throughout morning, but as afternoon rolled around and I realized I'd be leaving Kaya I got nervous. Gemma assured me she was perfectly capable of taking care of the baby for a couple of hours until bed time, but I still worried something would go wrong and by the time we were supposed to leave I was ready to call it off and stay home with Kaya.

"Would you stop worrying, woman! She will be fine, they both will.", we were on our way to Soho and I kept nervously checking my phone for a message from Gem. No amount of deep breaths nor Harry's soft hand over mine could've helped me.

"I know they'll be fine; I just worry. It's what I do now that I'm a mom, you know? It's the first time we're leaving her and after almost six months of putting her to bed every night I can't fathom not doing it.", my hands nervously fidgeted with the zipper of my leather jacket and Harry took his eyes off the road to look at me for a millisecond, "I get that, I'm a bit anxious about leaving her too, but we really need this night off. It'll be fine.".

This bar was a cleaner and more modern version of the Coyote Ugly, but the vibe was very much the same. A band played classic rock songs, the bartenders and the bar manager were exclusively female, supposedly they'd climb up on the bar three times a night and do a dance routine much like in the film. Harry got us a couple of rum and cokes while I grabbed a table close to the bar. I managed to push the thought of Kaya being at home without us to the back of my brain, for the time being, and at least try and have a good time. Few people recognized Harry, which was a welcome change from his usual outings that turn into mobs more often than not. We were two drinks in when a message from Gemma came in, saying she put Kaya down without problem and was now watching horrible TV movies with a cup of tea.

"See? All good. Relax, they're about to do the dance thing.", Harry took my phone away and rested his hand on my hip, squeezing it ever so gently in reassurance. The room went dark and four attractive women hopped on the bar skilfully, breaking into a dance routine to 'Can't Fight The Moonlight'. The crowd went wild, straight out of a film and I started swaying to the tunes... probably thanks to the rum running through my system.

"You can try to resist / Try to hide from my kiss / But you know / But you know that you can't fight the moonlight", Harry sang in my ear, his breath warm and inviting. I turned around and ran my fingers through his hair, mesmerized by the beauty before me. He kept making silly faces and I decided the only way to make him stop was to kiss him, to which he didn't object. The thing about Harry, especially after a while without virtually any contact, he couldn't stop at one kiss. Knowing I wouldn't be comfortable kissing in front of all those people, he took my hand and led me into a hallway.

"What are we doing here Harry? I'm positive we'll get in trouble if anyone catches us here.", his hands found home on my waist, while his lips left soft kisses on my neck... careful not to leave any marks.

"Then the idea is to not get caught, teacup. Come on, let's live a little.", his entire body pressed into mine and I fought with every ounce of strength not to give into him.

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