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Stevie Nicks: Stand Back 

Harry picked a Trader Joe's that 'nobody ever goes to' and asked me to trust him. There's not much I could do but trust him. I don't really know why this entire thing freaked me out so much. That's a lie. I do know – it's because I am not used to the idea of someone following me around a grocery store and trying to get a photo of me buying avocados. I'm also not used to the possibility of someone coming up to me and asking for a photo. I guess it's something I should discuss with Harry, he could help because he's been doing this for a long time.

We got into the store okay and he went straight for the fresh meat section, where we picked a pair of chicken breasts and I kept looking over my shoulder. We then went to the deli part and got a packet of parma ham, and I couldn't even laugh at his stupid knock-knock joke because I was convinced a woman was going to come up to us and start taking photos. The final thing on our list was pesto sauce and I grabbed the first one I saw, just to get out of the store and into Harry's car as quickly as possible.

"I am a weirdo. I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to be seen with you, I really love the fact that we're friends. I'm just never going to get used to the fact that there's always a chance someone is going to shove a camera in your face, or a fan is going to come up to you and ask for a photo. It's foreign to me, the idea that they sort of feel entitled to that one photo with you. What if you weren't feeling it that day or you had a huge pimple and didn't want your photo taken, or were in a rush?", I started babbling as soon as we got into the car and he started driving.

He smiled at my word vomit and put his long fingers over his chin, probably thinking about the best way to tell me that I'm crazy.

"You just get used to it, love. They know who you are, they have been listening to your stuff and they grew up with you. They've been watching interviews with you since they were ten. They support you through buying your music, buying merch and concert tickets and they are, in a way, entitled to that photo. The trick is to not look at them like they're your employer 'cos you ultimately get paid because they spend money on you, but to instead look at them like they're your friends. I always try to be kind, smile and hug them as long as they'd like. It's the least I can do when they've done so much for me. Sure, there are some that are rude and pull and tug, but the good outweighs the bad every time.", his words didn't do much when it came to calming me down, but they just solidified my belief in what a good human he was.

"I admire you so much, Harry. It takes a lot, I imagine, to live with all of that and still manage friendships and relationships and your personal space. The lines must get blurry often.", we were approaching his house so he was trying to find the clicker for the gate, and he leaned over my legs to check the glove compartment while I was speaking.

"It's a fine line, love. Come on, we can talk more about it while we make lunch.", he smiled after he found the clicker, dimples showing and all. It felt like he was looking into my soul. Good thing the gate opened and we were soon walking through the front door and setting the groceries on top of the kitchen island, because I needed a moment to be okay after the closeness I just experienced.

"Do me a favor, open the packet of ham and separate the slices for me, I'll get the chicken ready and it'll be done in no time.", he handed me the scissors and asked his Alexa to put some music on shuffle.

He looked so comfortable moving around the kitchen and it made me feel comfortable being there with him. Harry skilfully rotated the chicken while I got salad dressing ready. He was also one of those people that couldn't have a meal without having salad with it. Lunch really was ready in a flash and he was opening a bottle of white wine while I fetched the glasses.

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