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Milva: Bella Ciao

"Would you get a move on, please? I cannot believe we'll actually be late for our flight because you can't detach yourself from Kaya for a week.", Harry was shuffling our suitcases to the car pretty annoyed with my recurring struggle when it came to spending time away from our daughter.

"Harry we are flying private, we won't miss our flight. I'm sorry but I feel so bad leaving her in London, knowing we'll be driving around Italy and spending our days at beautiful beaches."

"I know teacup, but she wouldn't remember a thing and I'll quite enjoy having you all to myself, even if it is only for a week.", we ended up making it just in time, as Harry chose to point out every second of our flight.

Italy was magical and this honeymoon lifestyle was something I could get used to... breakfasts overlooking the blue sea, lunches by the beach, afternoons spent in bed and dinners in various family owned restaurants in the countless little cities around us. Harry looked divine in trunks and the bastard caught a tan faster than you could say 'sunshine'. I made him tell me the story behind every one of his tattoos, even though I knew most of them. How could I ever get bored of hearing how he had Zayn help him design a tattoo that represented me and Kaya? It was a tiny teacup filled with seeds, sunflower ones. Nobody really knew what it was and it was hidden amongst ten other small tattoos on his right forearm. But, it meant a lot to us.

"How would you say we're doing so far?", we were laying in our gigantic bed and drinking first class Italian wine, Snow Patrol was playing in the background and it was how I wanted to spend every night for the rest of my life.

"In terms or what?", he seemed a bit confused.

"Parenting, life... in general. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate us?"

"Let's see... I think we're a solid 9.5 in parenting. We've kept her alive for over a year, which has got to count for something. But, seriously, I think she'll grow up to be such a vibrant and intelligent human. I can already see it. In life, I'd rank us an 11. We're happy, healthy, but still not taking ourselves too seriously.", he took my hand in his. It was so true, we always had a laugh at the end of each difficult day and no matter how frustrated we got with one another or the world we tried not to let it affect our relationship.

"I could probably try not reacting to her tantrums, but other than that I think we're okay. Thank you, for doing this thing with me.", I leaned over to kiss him and it dawned on me how thankful I was that I got to do this whenever I pleased because there were people out there that lived without Harry in their lives (or without a Harry, better said, because this one was mine and I don't share).

"There is literally nobody I'd rather do this thing with other than you, teacup. You can't imagine how excited I get whenever I think about our future, the kids we'll add to the family, the laughs we'll have and how full our hearts will be of love and hope."

"You should try out songwriting, you're pretty good with words.", upon saying it I tried quickly moving to the other side of the bed and away from him because I knew he'd be attacking me with kisses and tickles as soon as he catches wind of my teasing. Wine was most definitely spilled, but much fun was had.

On our last night in Italy Harry made dinner reservations at a restaurant called 'Re Mauri' in Salerno. It was a very fancy place, which he thankfully warned me of in advance. I walked out of the bathroom and was met by him dressed in a white suit, much like the one he wore on our wedding day.

"Is that the-", I interrupted him, "The dress I wore the first night I met you, yes.".

"Wow, this is a lovely surprise.", he caressed my cheek gently and led me out of our room.

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